Ammonia will help us clean the gas stove grate from grease and carbon deposits.

  • Dec 10, 2020

The article will focus on a very simple, but at the same time awesome way of cleaning the gas stove grate.

It's not a secret for anyone that fat constantly settles on the grates and accumulates on them.

Photo: Youtube
Photo: Youtube

So what actions need to be taken, while making the minimum amount of effort, so that our grate clears and becomes like new.

Everything is very simple.

Place the dirty wire rack in a large plastic bag with handles. It is advisable to use a new package, there should be no holes in it.

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We put the lattice in the bag in the most careful way so as not to tear the plastic bag.

Then we need a pre-purchased ammonia. It can be purchased over the counter at a pharmacy.

Photo: Youtube

At the next stage, you need to quickly pour about 5 tablespoons of ammonia into a plastic bag in which our grate lies.

If the grate is not very dirty, then 3 tablespoons of ammonia will be enough.

Pour in ammonia with care, remember what its smell is. Don't sniff the case.

Next, we tie the bag, for this we use its handles. Since it is unlikely that it will turn out well to tie, then we take the second bag and, with the handles down, place the first bag with a lattice in it. Several more packages can be used.

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The main task is to practically completely shut off the air access, and ammonia should not evaporate from the inside either.

I advise you to use a 100 liter garbage bag with knotted handles for these purposes. These two packages will definitely be enough.

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I advise you to do this procedure in the evening, as it is simple, but time consuming. And if done at night, then you won't have to waste time.

You need to rest at night.

We packed a lattice in a bag, poured ammonia and put it in a stronka, let it lie until morning. Or you can put it in the bathroom so that it doesn't interfere in the kitchen. It doesn't matter at all.

Photo: Youtube

In the morning, we remove the extra bags, take out the grate from the gas stove and rinse it under a running stream of water, then go through with a washcloth, in some places you may have to scrape with a knife, but in the end it turns out that the grate becomes like brand new.

Photo: Youtube

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