If a heating installer got this tool, look for another technician!

  • Dec 10, 2020
Author's illustration
Author's illustration

Dear friends!

The article is short but informative. It is relevant for those who are just planning or already starting the installation of a heating system using metal-plastic pipes.

As you know, when installing warm floors and heating systems, calibrators are used in the work.

A calibrator is a tool for machining a cut end of a pipe product, with the help of which, when joining a pipe with a fitting, the maximum correct geometry of the joints is ensured. The market offers such tools in all their diversity. But, some of them spoil the pipe, namely the inner plastic shell of the pipe.

Author's illustration
Author's illustration

So, calibrators with sharp edges still exist and are used by specialists and in their work resemble the work of a milling nozzle.

It is forbidden to use such calibrators for the lion's share of pipes on our market! This tool does not expand the pipe, but cuts (grinds) a significant part, and in the end we get at the joint - the pipe is thinner than the factory version.

Most manufacturers of metal-plastic pipes make the wall thickness for the 16th pipe of the order of 2 mm, for the 20th - 2.5 mm, for the 26th - about 3 mm. (there are exceptions), and after calibration with such a tool, the thickness decreases by 0.2-0.4 mm. In addition, the high degree of accuracy of the inner layer, which was laid down during production, is also lost.

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As proof, I give an example that when taking out the calibrator from the pipe, a mountain of plastic shavings is poured out from the worn-off inner layer (see photo below)!

Calibrator malfunctioning illustration (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = ISe2ljqRHok)
Calibrator malfunctioning illustration (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = ISe2ljqRHok)

The fact is that the fitting has its own insertion depth, and it is shorter than the length of the calibrating element. As a result, we get the most vulnerable point right at the junction, since the fitting does not extend its entire length into the pipe cavity! The following illustration shows where this defect can "come out sideways" (narrowing at the junction):

Author's illustration
Author's illustration

If you are planning to make heating yourself, then I definitely do not recommend you a tool that cuts off the inside of the pipe. And if you saw such an adaptation at the master, ask to change the tool, or look for another specialist, since you will live on with your heating system!

Thanks! Good luck and good!

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