What kind of covering to lay on the warm floor?

  • Dec 10, 2020

Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for Myself" channel!

At the beginning of the article, I would like to note that gender is different. No, it's not about the coolant - the floor can be infrared, electric, or water. It's all about the mode of operation - the finish coating directly depends on this.

From an engineering point of view, a warm floor is like "in Africa" ​​a warm floor: the same pipes, automation, equipment, etc., but in terms of functionality there is a huge difference between a warm floor for heating and underfloor heating for comfort.

The task of the underfloor heating used in heating mode is to compensate for the heat loss of the house so that the ambient temperature around us is 18-22 ° C, possibly more - at the discretion of the residents. A comfortable floor does not have such a task. And many do not understand this huge difference. In peak frosts, a comfortable floor, compared to a warm one, does not cope with the task of heating.

Therefore, it is the different approach and the different functionality of the floor that determine the choice of the topcoat.

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I bring to your attention a visual illustration depicting the temperature regime of a warm and comfortable floor:

Comfort floor temperature is 22... 24 ° С, and for warm floor in heating mode - 22... 30 ° С. And since the ranges are different, so is the coating material used.

For a comfortable floor, you can use natural materials without any doubt: wood, parquet, natural carpet or linoleum, as well as any ceramic tile or stone. The heat carrier will gradually warm up any material to the comfortable temperature we need.

For a warm floor, the task is completely different, we need to maintain the temperature in the house and the system should give instant response to an increase in heat loss, in other words, the system must instantly compensate for heat loss due to its sensors. Now imagine how much wood or parquet will heat up during a sharp cold snap?

Photo source: https://parket-craft.ru/

This is the difference that when using some materials we get a huge time delta between the temperature of the floor and the temperature of the floor covering, and it is a fact that at such moments the residents of the house - the discomfort.

Thus, for a warm floor intended for heating, materials are suitable that quickly transfer heat from the floor to the air, for example ceramics or stone. A comfortable floor has no restrictions at all!

As for the laminate, you and I must remember that any rise in temperature, even 22-24 ° C, accelerates the chemical reaction. The higher the temperature, the more saturated the air with chemical products. Why aggravate the situation if there is already enough furniture made of chipboard or other consumer material.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the installation of a comfortable floor is cheaper, the pipe-laying step can be up to 30 cm. depending on the thickness of the screed, respectively, less pipe length - less and hydraulic resistance, therefore, equipment can also be selected less powerful, which ultimately will save tens of thousands rubles!

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