Why does the wife keep them in the refrigerator for a month before planting seeds?

  • Dec 10, 2020

Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for Myself" channel!

I open the fridge - oops! Almost on every shelf there is a glass of seeds planted in the ground: between the pots, between the jars, there is somehow no place to stick your wheat! I think this is a joke.
I called my wife, she said - do not touch or put the seeds out of the refrigerator. Upon arrival - I will explain ...

For me this was news, for gardeners - of course, it is not new. And this article is more likely for those who first hear about seed stratification.

Stratification is not necessary for all cultures, further, in the article I will give examples. This procedure is done in order to simulate winter conditions, and it allows you to start the mechanism of successful growth and good metabolism in the future plant, in other words, you need to wake up the plant!

Usually, purchased seeds are opened in the spring and sown directly into the soil, but there are species that most likely will not sprout with normal sowing. In order to germinate, they must first go through winter conditions, i.e. stay in the cold. This is inherent in crops that should be sown in autumn, but due to circumstances - sown in spring.

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Circumstances vary. The autumn planted seeds can be eaten by mice or there was a period of prolonged rains and it was not possible to go to the dacha - as you can see, there can be many reasons. For those, just exists stratification.

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/taiga8/semena-prorosli-ohladite-rassadu-nemedlenno-5c7635966dc7c000aeb10bb7

Stratification is divided into three types:

1. Regular: 1 week warm and 6 weeks. in the cold. Suitable for perennial flowers: irises, violets, bells, etc.

2. Long: 4 weeks warm and 12 cold. This procedure is needed for fruit trees.

3.Accelerated: 1 day warm and 14 days cold. Suitable for aquilegia, primroses, etc.

Before buying, you can always ask the seller what stratification the purchased crops require. Usually, the manufacturer always indicates the scheme or type of stratification on the package.

The seeds are not just put in the refrigerator, but planted in specially prepared soil, closed tightly with a lid and only then placed in the cold.

The temperature of the environment should be within + 1... + 4 ° С, otherwise the stratification will not be completed and the seeds will not sprout.

Source: http://garden.hozvo.ru/kak_sdelat_pokupnoy_grunt_luchshe-86806
The soil can be as follows:
Potting mix from the store + coarse sand in a one-to-one ratio. The soil must always be disinfected beforehand, since dampness almost always leads to mold. It is easy to disinfect it: we put it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes or on a baking sheet in the oven for 40-60 minutes at 90 - 120 ° C.

After stratification, the seeds are placed on a windowsill (sunlight is needed). With the correct procedure, after 7-14 days sprouts will appear, which are planted from each other and planted in the soil at the end of spring.

That's all, I hope the article was useful to you!

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