Why do lumberjacks have saws dull and chains broken? The forester told how local residents protect forests from deforestation

  • Dec 11, 2020
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Photo source: https://eurabota.com/v/
Photo source: https://eurabota.com/v/

Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for Myself" channel!

At the moment, forestry in our country classifies forest felling into many subspecies. They are divided according to their intended purpose, starting from forest care and ending with final felling. As forest maintenance and restoration, unwanted trees and useless plants are removed in order to preserve more valuable crops. Root competition is removed, giving individual specimens more room to develop, and density is also reduced in order to increase light transmission.

For the main felling, which will be discussed today, is the felling of mature forest. Such felling makes room for the laying of communication lines and highways, the timber is exported and sold. Such felling is carried out exclusively under the supervision of forestry with the permission of the authorities.

But, a huge share of the turnover of all timber is made up of illegal (illegal) felling of forests and what to do with them if the forest is being cut down practically under the window of a country house?
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This problem worries the owners of country houses, who deliberately moved out of town to enjoy the beauty of nature. Outside the window there is a forest, birds are singing, and here a team of lumberjacks comes and intends to make a plain out of the forest. Who wants such happiness?

According to a leshoz employee, the measure used to prevent felling is called spike. The measure is radical and very effective. It is based on driving nails and metal rods into tree trunks at an acute angle to disable the sawmill and prevent illegal timber traffic. Almost always, the caps bite off and the nail is hidden in the bark.

Photo source: kekc.news

Usually, such actions are performed with several trees, and on the rest they hang signs with the letter "Ш". There are also craftsmen who, in order to minimize damage to the tree, beat several large nails, specially sticking out (for clarity), and along the perimeter of the tree they are very small, which are invisible. Then the lumberjack, seeing large nails, can move away, or he can use a metal detector, and just when using the latter, large ones become indistinguishable from small nails.


The whole value of spike is in its frightening effect. After all, hitting a lumberjack with a saw on a nail means losing a lot of time to replace the chain, as well as any rebound of the chain can cause injury.

Even with legal felling, as the forester explains, it is not uncommon to come across plots in the forest with signs "Studded". If this information reaches the officials, then drastic measures can be taken up to the devaluation of such territories at the auction. After all, you must agree that such sites are less attractive ...

In addition, a felled spiked tree can cause a breakdown in the relationship between the lumberjack and the sawmill (if they are different organizations). And it is very costly for a sawmill to dismantle trees stuffed with metal.

Perhaps some will say - why harm trees?
I can't judge, but rather it's better, because the tree will remain in its place, otherwise there will be a stump.

I hope the article was interesting to you and thanks for your attention!

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