3 proven ways to restore shut-off waterproofing foundation-plinth and plinth-wall

  • Dec 11, 2020
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Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of my channel!

We often hear from the owners of old houses that the smell of dampness has appeared in the house or that it draws coolness down the legs. And one of the possible reasons is that the waterproofing, which separates the basement of the house from the wall structures, has become unusable. Sometimes, even during the construction of new houses, self-builders, out of inexperience, make this gross mistake - the installation of shut-off waterproofing.

The lack of such isolation leads to the following consequences:

  • the appearance of dampness at the base of the walls;
  • inconsistency of the microclimate with the standards;
  • decrease in the performance of the wall material.

The physical process that takes place in the absence of shut-off waterproofing is the capillary penetration of moisture from the base into the wall.

Correct shut-off waterproofing device

Where does moisture come from?

There are two sources here: soil moisture and precipitation. But, nevertheless, the lion's share of moisture accumulates in the basement of the building due to precipitation.

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The fact is that the basement is the most vulnerable part of the house. This is the part that is always under the influence of weather conditions and undergoes multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Since the basement is located on the border with the earth's cover, it is always oversaturated with moisture, and it is this moisture that causes the walls to get wet by the rise of water through the capillaries of any building material.

If, over time, the waterproofing ceased to fulfill its functions or was simply forgotten to lay at the stage of construction of structures, then there are methods of restoration, about which further and will be discussed.

Method number 1

The first and easiest way is to protect the base from precipitation and transfer the horizontal cutoff to the vertical plane. It is used in areas with a low GWL level and a non-flooded area.

If the basement is already lined with facade material, then protection from water is carried out by applying a water repellent composition in several layers. It is usually done with a brush or sprayer with an approach to the wall about 20 cm. from the base.

In cases where the basement is rough, then the best option would be to apply waterproofing on a bitumen basis, on top of which the facade is made of decorative facade panels.

It will not be superfluous to associate this waterproofing with the waterproofing of the blind area with an overlap, according to the image:

In this version, we completely protect the foundation and basement from atmospheric precipitation.

Method number 2

Introduction of injection compositions. This is a more expensive measure, but it is guaranteed that it protects the capillary penetration of moisture, even at very high GWL.

To do this, holes (holes) are drilled in a concrete wall or in brickwork at an angle of 45-60 ° according to the image below. After that, the bore-holes are filled under pressure (up to 0.5 MPa) with a penetrating waterproofing compound.

These formulations are specially designed to penetrate deeply into the wall material to close the smallest pores. Organizations dealing with these types of work usually do everything smoothly and quickly, but there is a drawback of the method - traces of holes will remain on the facade non-removable materials.

Method number 3

The most time consuming method, but it can be done by the owner himself within a few weeks, provided that the wall is made of bricks or blocks.

It consists in the complete release of the bottom row of masonry using the method of organizing grabs. If you are familiar with my article on the restoration or reconstruction of foundations (the link will be at the end of the article), then seizures are organized, partially dividing the wall into sections. After that, in a checkerboard pattern, the fragments of the lower row of the wall are eliminated in accordance with a clear work plan.

Removing a section of the wall, we install the waterproofing, lay it back with a brick and go to another wall, etc. until the completion of work along the entire perimeter.

The work is tedious, but it is really possible to do it for one person, then it will be very inexpensive.

Today, these are the main three methods for restoring shut-off waterproofing, and if other methods appear, they are derived from these methods described.

Thanks for attention!

As promised, link to the article: How to strengthen or restore a strip foundation? Practical methods.

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