"You can easily grab the reinforcement by welding"

  • Dec 11, 2020
Source: https://pobetony.expert/armirovanie/
Source: https://pobetony.expert/armirovanie/

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Almost all private developers and homeowners have heard: "Fittings and welding are incompatible", "welding is evil for reinforcement cage "," during welding, properties of reinforcement are lost ", etc. In this article I would like to analyze the reason for such rumors.

I love construction and often hang around construction projects that my friends build - no, they are not building for themselves, but they are building to order, i.e. are developers. Among them there are very few responsible guys who hire professionals to conduct construction - these are specialists in one area or another who do not grab onto everything, but in a narrowly focused and efficient manner perform only their own business. Yes, they are not cheap, but there is nothing to complain about. These are such specializations as fitters, monoliths, etc.

So, reinforcement is a building material created to give the structure strength and the ability to resist various loads.

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Reinforcement bar is a material that has a ribbed or smooth profile. The material made from steel is more in demand. The steel bar must be hardened.

To correctly perceive the load, the reinforcing bar must be geometrically correctly positioned inside the reinforced concrete product, therefore, it must be clearly fixed before concreting and rest through the clamps not only on the walls of the formwork, but also be fastened between yourself. So that the frame does not fall apart and does not stagger inside the formwork, it is faster to boil it in several places than to stretch each crosshair with a wire.

I witnessed a raised dialogue when the craftsmen argued about welding:

- You can easily weld the reinforcing cage rods!

- No, this cannot be done, the connection weakens ...

- Nothing of the kind, cook!

And from this place in more detail ...

There are only two types of bar fastening:

  • bundle with knitting wire;
  • welding.

But why are professionals also taught to weld fittings, if the earth is full of rumors that it cannot be cooked?

It's all about the marking of the fittings. An ordinary self-builder does not delve into the product labeling, but a professional knows and orders special fittings from the bases, which are not prohibited from welding.

As you know, the valves have a series: A240 or AI, A300 or AII, A400 / A500 or AIII, etc., but in addition to the series, there are special properties of the product that are indicated after the series:

  • K - corrosion resistance;
  • С - allowed to be joined by welding;
  • T - thermomechanically hardened steel.

This is where the answer lies. The usual A400 - welding is prohibited, but A400S - you can weld!

Photo source: https://m-strana.ru/articles/mozhno-li-svarivat-armaturu-dlya-fundamenta/
For non-weldable grades, when exposed to high temperatures, the structure of the material changes significantly. The hardened metal is "tempered", i.e. loses strength.

Thus, if, in addition to the bundle of the reinforcing cage, you need to weld some rods in order to give the stability of the reinforcement cage, then it is imperative to purchase reinforcement of the welded class "FROM".

I really hope that the article was useful to you!

Thanks for attention!

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