Why can't you calculate the exact area of ​​a circle? What is Pi?

  • Dec 11, 2020
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Good afternoon, dear guests and subscribers of the "Build for Myself" channel!

At the moment, mathematics gives a clear definition of the number Pi - it is a constant, which is equal to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

According to historical data, it is believed that the number Pi was derived 3500-3800 years ago by the ancient Babylonians, and the first calculation method this number belongs to Archimedes of Syracuse in 250 BC. He used the method described and inscribed in a circle of correct polygons.

Thus, Archimedes calculated that pi is in the range from 3 1/7 to 3 10/71. Since its discovery, for about 1000 years, scientists from all over the world have used these values, and today some people still refer to Pi as constant Archimedes number.

Around 265 AD, the great mathematician Liu Hui used his own calculation algorithm. He made, similar to the Archimedes method, calculations for a regular N-gon with 3072 angles, thereby obtaining an approximate value of Pi 3.14159

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In different time periods, the value of pi had different meanings. From century to century, this number was calculated more and more accurately, and after the appearance of the first computing technology, the value of this number has acquired 4,000,000,000 decimal places, today it has 206 billion signs.

An interesting fact is that the number existed as just a number, and the letter designation "π" (Pi), it received only at the beginning of the 18th century from the two Greek words "circle" and "perimeter" (περιφέρεια and περίμετρος).

Up to this day, mathematicians around the world have not managed to obtain a finite number of Pi and accordingly, it is also unknown which of the digits from 0 to 9 and how many times occur in decimal fractions.

The modern computer only calculated 206 billion decimal places, and it was discovered that all 10 digits in the number Pi occur approximately the same number of times, and this is where the study is completed.

Thus, we all understand that the number Pi is an infinite number, so there is no limit to the accuracy of calculating the area of ​​a circle, as well as other figures where the number Pi is used in the calculations.

Even using a modern computer, we can only calculate the approximate value, but not exact!

That's all, thanks for your patience and attention to the material!

I hope you enjoyed the article!


Today, for research on space stations, navigation systems are used that use calculations with the values ​​of Pi - 15 and 16 digits. (15 for GNC navigation, 16 for SIGI positioning systems) and this is probably enough for now.

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