Hedgehogs in the country - what are their benefits and harms?

  • Dec 24, 2019

The benefits of sea urchins on a huge plot. They fight pests, destroying shellfish, but, being wild animals, sometimes truckers scare their neighborhood, and the owners are beginning to doubt whether hedgehogs are needed at their summer cottage.

Urchins on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Urchins on the site. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Positive and negative qualities

Flattering inhabitants are in the country a lot of useful food:

  • slugs;
  • snails;
  • beetles;
  • beetle larvae;
  • mice and other pest of garden crops.

Hedgehog gardener helps get rid of bad neighbors. However, a friendly animal can eat the offspring of small birds that leave their nests on the ground.

They are often spread infection, such as:

  • yellow fever;
  • rabies;
  • salmonellosis.

On some kinds of animals are parasitic fleas and ticks, which can infect human encephalitis, tularemia, Lyme disease.

One wrong move - and animal bites hurt. He has sharp teeth. The wound is often infected, festers, heal for a long time.
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In the hands of a hedgehog does not have to, he does not like this kind of communication, but if handled carefully and small animals, it is able to benefit from the site.

Many vacationers to leave the hedgehog in secluded places a lot of fertilizer. The site should be credible animal. You can make a small house for him.

Attraction hedgehog. Illustration for an article is used from the open source
Attraction hedgehog. Illustration for an article is used from the open source

Many gardeners are interested in what food they prefer to mate. Animal eating any foods. He loves berries and fruits, but, being a predator prefers foods containing natural protein. You can give a hedgehog meat, chicken, bait, unused fishing.

The animal diet includes the following products:

  • cookies;
  • noodles boiled;
  • chicken eggs;
  • bread;
  • Dutch cheese;
  • nuts;
  • rice;
  • potatoes;
  • fresh or grilled fish.

Hedgehogs have a good sense of smell and find the "dining room" they will not be easy. Hibernation occurs in September and October. During this period, they should be well fed, to ensure the fat reserves. Otherwise hedgehog die of malnutrition.

Methods of attracting animals

To pets living near her house, it is not enough to provide them with good food. The owner must also take care of a decent home.

Location on. Illustration for an article is used from the open source
Location on. Illustration for an article is used from the open source

First of all, clean the area from unnecessary and dangerous items that could scare the animal or cause him injury.

the reservoir may be on their summer cottage. It is dangerous for hedgehogs, t. To. The climb up the slippery walls he can not, and are likely to die.

Jerzy good swim, but they have little tabs that can not overcome the slippery surface. It is possible to equip the pond a few wooden planks. In this case, the pet will be safe and will be able to get ashore.

Fence netting of mesh - danger № 2. The animal may get stuck in the enclosure opening and be seriously injured.

You must install a fence made of safety material or raise it a few centimeters above the soil to a hedgehog passed underneath. should not be left in accessible places chemicals designed to fight garden pests and garden, as well as tools that have sharp, unpleasant smell of gasoline, kerosene, paint.

The animal can upset the bank and get poisoned. While working with sharp implements need to be careful not to accidentally damage the animal.

The animals often live in the compost heap. Before entering a shifting of compost with a shovel or a pitchfork, you need to check to see whether hedgehogs family lives there.

House for animal made of wooden planks. The form can be arbitrary. Input must be narrow, so that the room does not penetrate the dog or cat.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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