Whitewashing of trees in autumn: the timing of and technology

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many beginning gardeners mistakenly think that the barrel is necessary to whitewash garden trees in the spring. They forget that the limestone and chalk solution performs an important protective function: eliminates disputes fungi, eggs and larvae of pests, overwintering in bark cracks, prevents the development of cancer and apple fruit trees.

Whitewashing trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Whitewashing trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Whitewashed trunks rarely damaged by rabbits and mice. The application of the solution of the Cretaceous to the lower part of the trunk is one of the essential measures for the preparation of the garden for winter.

Dates of work

Young trees undesirable whitewash in the first 2-3 years after planting. To protect young bark from rodents and winter-spring burns, trunks of saplings better wrap burlap, newspaper or wrapping paper, spruce branches. Whitewashing, which consists of adhesive components clog the pores in the bark, worsen the metabolic processes in the wood and will hinder the normal development of plants.

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Whitewash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Whitewash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Pobelochnye desirable to carry out the work in the last ten days of October or the first - November selecting for this warm, sunny day. The higher above the ground coated white, the better for the plants.

Therefore it is necessary not only to whitewash trunks, but also the lower branches (put whitewash on 1/3 of their length). If the forks of branches stagnant moisture in these areas, too, should go brush.

In stores now sell garden whitewash, which does not need to breed, and can be directly applied. But buying ready-white disadvantageous for a large garden. Simply cook them yourself from cheap components, using any of the recipes:

The mixture should be stirred to obtain a homogeneous suspension, and leave for 4-5 hours. When White infusions and are ready, you can begin to paint trees.

whitewash technology

Mortar quickly washed away with the crust, if after application to rain. Therefore, before starting work, should check the weather forecast for the coming days. If meteorologists promise dry weather, you can safely proceed to whitewashing. First you need to prepare the trees:

  • Trunks and skeletal branches clean of bark straggler, growths, mosses and lichens.
  • If the trunks have holes and cracks, which collects dirt, moss or expanded, such deepening is necessary to thoroughly clean a wooden knife or sharp splinter.
  • Shtamby process HOM fungicidal drug or analog, which includes copper oxychloride. For disinfection and prevention of fungi are also suitable means available - 300 g copper sulphate, diluted in 10 liters of water, and 500 g of ferric sulfate in 10 liters of liquid.
  • Damage to cover garden pitch - own store or prepared from rosin, beeswax and unsalted fat in the ratio 1: 2: 1.

When the garden is prepared, you can start whitewashing. Chalky or mortar may be applied to the surface of a soft brush shafts. To handle the old trees with thick trunks better take maklovitsej or tie into a bundle 3-4 1 small brush - then the work go faster.

Knowing how to whiten the trees in the fall, you can rely on to protect the garden from pests and fungal infections. The main thing - to put a layer of white is not more than 2-3 mm. If the thickness of the composition would be bigger then the dried particles whitewash begin to flake and crumble.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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