Danycom everything. But not really. :)

  • Dec 11, 2020

Today Danycom Mobile SIM cards "turned into a pumpkin", or rather Tele2 disconnected them from the network, as promised.
But there is still a way out - all Danycom subscribers are offered to switch with a number to the MCN operator working on the Tele2 network (drum roll!).

At the end of February 2019, the virtual operator Danycom launched a free plan. Subscribers received 1 GB, 30 minutes and 60 SMS per month for receiving 5 advertising SMS every day. Many started using SIM cards with a free tariff for various automation and telemetry devices. My video surveillance system went online through a Danycom SIM card from May last year to yesterday.

Due to a conflict over mutual financial claims, Tele2 did not renew the contract with Danycom.

Now, unfortunately, Danycom SIM cards can be thrown away, they will no longer work. But all Danycom subscribers have the opportunity to switch to the virtual MCN operator with the same number. To do this, you need to fill out an application on the website https://www.mcn.ru/mobilnaya-svyaz-dlya-fizlic/ and choose one of four tariffs.

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Family Light, Family and Family Plus tariffs are identical to Danycom tariffs (by the way, tariffs paid for by Danik for a year ahead with a discount will work with MCN).

Most Danycom subscribers are most interested in the fourth tariff - "Free".

In it, now only calls within the network are free (from Danycom number to Danycom number) and 200 MB of Internet (however, this is enough for video surveillance). The fee for each subsequent megabyte is 8 kopecks, but you can buy an additional package: 49/199/399 rubles for 1/5/10 GB of traffic.

Calls in home regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Samara, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan) to numbers of mobile operators cost 1.39 rubles per minute, to landline phones - 0.79 rubles per minute, long distance calls - 1.99 RUB / min

SMS - 0.25 rubles per message.

MCN-Danycom subscribers will receive one advertisement message per day.

But the most interesting thing is that subscribers of the Free tariff will be able to earn on incoming calls: for every second of an incoming call, 0.83 kopecks (50 kopecks per minute) will be charged to their balance. For example, for an incoming call lasting 4 minutes 10 seconds, 2 rubles 8 kopecks will be credited. Moreover, for the caller, it will be a regular call without any additional payments. When you activate the free option "Earn on incoming" calls within the network become paid - 50 kopecks per minute.

Each subscriber can transfer only one SIM card to the Free tariff in MCN.

Most of you hear the name MCN for the first time, but I have used the services of this operator since 2014 (first the Internet, then IP-telephony at my former job).

Sims are promised to be issued in four MCN offices and sent free of charge by Russian Post. Danycom has almost one hundred thousand subscribers, and even if only a fifth of them want to switch to MCN, twenty thousand applications will not be processed quickly, so it makes sense to fill out an application as soon as possible.

© 2020, Alexey Nadezhin

The main topic of my blog is technology in human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. My second project - lamptest.ru. I test LED bulbs and help figure out which ones are good and which are not so good.