All locks from honest people

  • Dec 11, 2020

When closing an apartment, house or garage with a hinged, mortise or lever lock, many of us have no idea how easy it is to open this lock, despite its seeming invulnerability.

On Youtube there are a huge number of videos with the opening of almost any locks and larvae.

All inexpensive padlocks can be broken with a pair of regular wrenches.

Garage locks "crab" look impressive, but they break very easily - a cylinder is ripped out of them.

Leveler locks are considered by many to be invulnerable, but they can be opened in a few seconds with the simplest pick from Aliexpress.

Most of the cylinder mechanisms (larvae) are opened by bumping. Manufacturers advertise advanced larvae with protection against bumping and other opening methods, but they also break open in seconds.

Electric locks can also be opened, and they do it in a way that you would not expect at all. Read article, there are many interesting things.

Perhaps there are cylinder mechanisms, lever and padlocks that cannot be opened so easily, but I'm afraid their price will be over $ 100, and maybe much higher.

instagram viewer

Informed anyway means armed: go to Youtube and enter the names of the locks you are using. Learn a lot about them.

P.S. I deliberately do not post videos here and do not give links to them, so that my post could not become educational material for novice criminals.

© 2020, Alexey Nadezhin
The main topic of my blog is technology in human life. I write reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. My second project - I test LED bulbs and help figure out which ones are good and which are not so good.