I planted dill seeds according to the grandmother's method and the first shoots appeared after 4 days. I share my experience

  • Dec 11, 2020

Dill is simply an irreplaceable plant in every garden. Summer residents always plant it for preparations for the winter and healthy salads. But growing dill on your site is not so easy. Whimsical greens can give the first shoots no earlier than two weeks later. And in some cases, it may not ascend at all.

Most gardeners are faced with such a problem, not knowing how to solve it. In this matter, simple grandmother's methods will come to the rescue.that few people know about.

No chemistry

How nice it is to pluck dill from your beds, and not buy it in the store. You never know what kind of chemistry it was treated with when growing... And here he is his own, home, and most importantly, natural!

For several years now I have been growing dill not only in the garden, but also on the windowsills. This method helps to have fresh greens during the winter time. Of course, dill in pots is not at all like store-bought dill. It is less tall and curvy. But then the greens are grown at home, without the addition of chemicals!

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How to grow dill correctly?

For planting, you can use both your own and store seeds. First, they need to be processed. Indeed, dill seeds contain essential oils that slow down their growth. There are several ways to cleanse seeds.

1. Dill seeds are soaked in vodka for literally 10-15 minutes. Then they stand rinse thoroughly in water and dry well. The drying process is very important. This is the first way.

2. We wrap the dill seeds in cheesecloth, creating a kind of bag. We prepare two vessels with cold water and boiling water. In turn, lower the bag into each vessel for a few seconds. We repeat the procedure about ten times.

Place the damp bag in a dark place. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out completely. They will need to be moistened periodically. After 2-3 days, the seeds will be completely ready for planting. This is the second way.

My grandmother used this method all the time and had her first dill shoots in four days.

Planting process

The dill bed must first be fertilized with ash, humus. The earth itself should be well dug, loosened. Within two days, the soil will be completely ready for planting.

The dill holes should not be deeper than one centimeter. Before planting, they need to be filled with water. Seeds should be placed at a decent distance from each other, not very densely.

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