Enemy or friend of strawberries? Conducted an experiment

  • Dec 11, 2020

Ash quickly became the favorite fertilizer for many gardeners. They try to use it wherever possible. Most often, strawberries are fed with ash. But I do not use this fertilizer in my garden and still have an excellent berry harvest. Every year I collect several buckets of large, fragrant strawberries.

Once I decided to conduct an experiment with ash and fertilized a couple of strawberry beds with it. And the rest of the bushes were left to grow without any additional fertilizing. And what do you think ?!

Strawberries, into which I did not add ash, pleased with a better harvest. It was very large and sweet, unlike the fertilized one. After that, I did not even think about using such a top dressing in my garden.

Why is ash not suitable for strawberry fertilization?

Strawberries love to grow in acidified soil. Such land creates ideal conditions for it. But sola makes the soil alkaline, which strawberries really hate. With such a top dressing, you will not get quality berries. Of course, ash contains many useful substances. But this is perhaps its only advantage.

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Therefore, I would not recommend using ash for feeding strawberry bushes. You will only waste your time and effort.

What is the best way to feed strawberries?

The ash we are accustomed to can be replaced with alternative options. It is best to use mineral supplements. They will quickly clean up depleted soil and create good conditions for strawberry growth.

I only use manure to fertilize strawberries. This is simply an irreplaceable natural top dressing in every vegetable garden. Before use, the manure should be diluted with ordinary water in proportions of 1:10.

You can fertilize strawberries with manure already during the formation of peduncles at its bushes. Top dressing will help to significantly increase its yield. The bushes will be full of red and aromatic berries.

Shop dung can be expensive for many. Then it should be replaced with nettle infusion, mullein or chicken droppings.

Fertilizer such as yeast starter is also very popular among gardeners. It promotes the active growth and development of strawberries.

After my experiment, I recommended that relatives stop using ash to fertilize strawberries.. They listened to the advice and were very surprised at the result. The yield, thanks to the mullein, really increased a couple of times!

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