Potato disease during storage

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Potato disease during storage caused by improper mode of cultural content, untimely destruction of diseased parts of plants.

potato cultivation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
potato cultivation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Common diseases make the tubers unsuitable for cooking. The main task of the owner - to keep the harvest until spring.

How to store vegetables

Dig up the root must be on time. The owner must be very careful not to damage the vegetables shovel, not to leave them in the garden. Dry, ventilated specimens poured into pogrebnitsu, and in 1-2 days - in the cellar. It is also necessary to conduct a thorough sorting grown produce.

Potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Large and medium-sized tubers are left for cooking small set aside for feeding livestock or poultry.

After gathering root crops main task summer resident is caring for harvest. It is necessary to keep the temperature optimal for storage and time to discard spoiled and sick specimens, so they do not spoil the healthy products. Some gardeners do not store vegetables in the cellar, t. To. They quickly germinate, become soft.

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Caring for potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Caring for potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

The owner digs a small hole at the bottom of the board and lays down a wooden duct. Then pours Enumerated vegetables. Above the pit cover sheeting, it is poured on dry ground, manure or straw. It is necessary to dig up next to the deepening of the ditch in which water will flow.

Products stored until March - April. If you want to get a bucket of root crops, with one side removed to insulate layer, back down the board and gain products.

If severe cold potatoes podmerz, use it to make starch at home. Keeping the plants should be aware of diseases that destroy the tubers.

4 potato disease

One of the most difficult cases for truckers is a timely recognition of the culture of disease and pest control. Hazards include the following potato pathology:

  • Fitosporoz. He transferred to healthy plants from diseased seed potatoes. The tubers are covered with small spots having a gray color, inside the content is completely rotted. It is necessary to sort out the harvest, that is. To. Keep ailing production impossible. The causative agent can be kept until next year on the seed, and the entire crop will be ruined. Before planting should be well dry up all the tubers.
  • Fusarium - a dry rot of tubers. Pathology develops as a result of the impact of Spore Fusarium oxysporum. The disease is serious, capable of destroying large areas occupied by potatoes. The tubers are covered with dry touch, sometimes during storage appear rounded gray-brown spots. It is visible on the cut porous core. Peel wrinkled, contains numerous voids. It is necessary to treat drug fitosporin roots.
  • Rhizoctonia is a fungus. Black scab promotes the formation of rot, which is the source of infection of the soil. On the surface of the tuber black ulcers formed. Sometimes they have a purple hue. Regularly inspect the plant material in time to see the first signs of the disease. To combat drug agent used DETA M-45.
  • Wet rot affects the tubers at harvest time or when stored in the cellar. The causative agent destroys healthy potatoes, and the owner loses a large part of the crop. Healthy vegetables become wet, covered with mucous plaque rot.

Healthy vegetables can be preserved until next spring, when properly to save time and prevent disease.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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Read more: What grows well in the garden after the potato