8 reasons why plums do not bear fruit and what to do about it

  • Dec 13, 2020

The plum adapts to almost any garden plot, but sometimes the tree stops bearing fruit. There are several main reasons that can affect fruiting.

The plum adapts to almost any garden plot, but sometimes the tree stops bearing fruit. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
The plum adapts to almost any garden plot, but sometimes the tree stops bearing fruit. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Natural and agrotechnical conditions

The following factors can affect the yield:

  • Weather. Improper maintenance and natural factors can lead to poor fruiting. In the absence of precipitation and watering, the tree stops producing flower buds necessary for the formation of fruits. Another reason can be spring frosts, which damage the buds. In addition, excessive humidity and cool weather can reduce bee activity during the flowering period, which will lead to a decrease in fruiting.
  • Self-infertile varieties. When buying such seedlings, other types of plums with the same flowering period are additionally chosen. For bees to transfer pollen between plants, they must be located at a distance of no more than 10 m from each other.
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  • Incorrect planting of the seedling. When planting a young tree, the distance between the ground level and the root collar is taken into account. The interval is observed 5-10 cm. Deepening the root collar in the soil can not only negatively affect fruiting, but also lead to the death of the entire plum. It is also necessary to take into account the planting site: when choosing, they are guided by quiet and sunny places, since the plant needs good lighting and protection from cold winds.
  • Plum variety and age. Some varieties give a harvest 2-3 years after planting, while other types of plums can only reach maturity after 5-6 years. In old trees, the number of fruits can also significantly decrease, up to their complete disappearance due to age. The fruiting period for plums is relatively short, approximately 10-15 years.

Also, the state of the soil affects the productivity of fruit trees:

  • High acidity. Lime, chalk, dolomite flour, wood ash and other substances are added to neutralize the earth.
  • Soil depletion can also lead to fruit shedding. To prevent this process, mineral fertilizers are added to the soil every 2-3 years.
Diseases and garden pests affect fruiting. Parasites and fungal diseases damage the leaves and flower buds, which further leads to shedding of the fruit. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Protection and care

Other reasons why the plum does not bear fruit:

  • No clipping. Fruiting can be improved by pruning, which provides the basis for good tree growth and flower bud formation. In addition to shoots, gardeners try to control the growth of roots, which also take away the vital energy necessary for the formation of fruits. The pruning method depends on the type of wood; it is important to know how to carry out the procedure correctly so as not to remove the fruiting branches.
  • Freezing wood in winter. When buying, it is recommended to pay attention to the frost resistance of the variety. However, even a resilient young tree can freeze if the seedling is not provided with additional protection. To prevent freezing, in the first years after planting, the tree trunk is wrapped in a covering material, and the base around the plum is covered with mulch.

In addition, diseases and garden pests affect fruiting. Parasites and fungal diseases damage the leaves and flower buds, which further leads to shedding of the fruit. Insecticides are used against garden pests 1-2 days before flowering. Other parasites can attack the plum one week after flowering. As a result of the defeat, the development of plum fruits is disrupted, after which they crumble.

Fruiting can be improved by pruning, which provides the basis for good tree growth and flower bud formation. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

To protect the tree, it is sprayed with insecticides 8-10 days after flowering. To combat parasites, duct tapes are often placed on the tree, which are placed at the end of winter and held until warming. They also try not to leave diseased fruits on the branches in order to prevent further spread of rot.

Rust can affect both leaves and branches, covering them with various spots, which, if untreated, develop into large black clusters. They prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients and lead to reduced yields. To prevent the spread of the disease, infected leaves and branches are cut off and burned.

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