13 important questions about planting and growing plums

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Planting and growing plums includes a set of measures aimed at fertilizing, watering, and disinfecting the tree.

There are many varieties of plums that are now used by modern gardeners. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
There are many varieties of plums that are now used by modern gardeners. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Variety selection

There are many varieties of plums that are now used by modern gardeners. All of them differ in the quality of the fruits, the speed of maturity, the rules of care, and whimsicality. One of the popular fruits is the Belarusian plum - a small tree with a rounded crown. Its fruits are medium in size, weighing up to 50 g. Fruiting from 4-5 years and every year increases the yield by several kilograms.

The Hungarian plum is a small tree with medium fruits up to 30g. A special feature is a tree of increased frost resistance, due to which Hungarian is grown in Siberia.

Large-fruited plum - a tall tree with large fruits up to 70 g. Fruiting at 4 years old and gives from 10 to 30 kg of harvest per season. Which of the trees to grow in the garden is up to the gardener himself.

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In order for the plum to grow normally and bear fruit, you need to provide it with normal care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

13 requirements for plum care

  • Soil selection. Plums love loose soil with a neutral pH. Regardless of the composition of the soil, it is recommended to add nutrients annually to neutralize acidity.
  • Seedling selection. The further harvest and development of plants will depend on the quality of the seedling. It is important that there are no dry branches, rotten roots on it, the height is more than 1 m, the diameter is at least 1 cm. It is necessary to pay attention that there are no cut branches, spots, lichens on the seedling.
  • When to plant. Planting is carried out in the fall or spring. The timing directly depends on the variety and climate. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is recommended to plant plums in the spring, so that during the warm season the seedling takes root and grows stronger, otherwise it may die.
  • Landing technology. Plum is planted in early spring, when there is no longer frost, before bud break. In the ground, you need to dig a hole 60 cm deep, water it well and fertilize with a mixture of superphosphates. The seedling is set in the hole somewhere in 2-3 hours and is carefully watered. For the first time, you can place a peg near the seedling and tie the tree so that nothing will damage it.
  • Watering. Watering is done depending on the climate. If it is hot outside and constant drought, moisture is applied at the root once a week. If it rains periodically, you don't need to water the tree yourself. When watering, water is used at room temperature, and its amount depends on the size of the tree. You need to look so that the soil is soaked 30-40 cm.
  • Top dressing. Purchased superphosphates and plant-based fertilizers, such as compost, are suitable for fertilization. They are introduced into a hole dug at a distance of half a meter from the tree itself. It is enough to carry out top dressing once every two years in early spring.
  • Help in pollination. Plums, unlike other garden trees, are very difficult to pollinate. For the ovary to appear, it is important that there are trees with similar flowering periods nearby. If there is no garden nearby, then it is better to plant 3-4 trees at once for mutual pollination.
  • Pruning rules. Saplings should be pruned twice a year. Before the winter period, sanitary pruning is carried out and all damaged branches are removed. In the spring, lateral shoots are cut to form a beautiful round crown. Sections are processed with garden varnish in order to protect plants from the development of diseases.
  • Disinfection is performed by Fufanon or Karbofos in early spring.
  • Do I need to mulch. Experts recommend mulching plums for the winter season. To do this, you can use wood chips, peat, spruce needles.
  • Preparing for the winter. Plum roots are close enough to the soil surface, so they need to be insulated for the winter period. It is also important to whiten the plum in autumn in order to eliminate pathogenic microflora. To avoid sunburn, you can wrap it with agrofiber or plain paper.
  • Root shoots "steal" many useful elements, so you need to get rid of them. Moisten with urea or cut with pruning shears.
  • Harvesting takes place in summer and autumn, as the fruit ripens.
There is a plum in almost every garden, but in order for the tree to grow normally and bear fruit, it must be provided with normal care.

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