Effective ways to combat aphids

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Aphids - one of the main enemies of farmers and gardeners. It affects even houseplants. This little insect green or gray may cause irreparable damage to the plant.

Ways to combat aphids

By popular methods include the following methods:

- Soap method. To do this, rub the soap 0.3kg and dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is rubbed or sprayed plants affected places. Also suitable green potash soap, which is induced in the same proportions. Before spraying, the plants must be covered with earth film as getting soap solution can harm mail.

- One of the best-proven method - the infusion of ash. For this purpose, 0.3 kg of ash is boiled for half an hour in 10 liters of water. After this defeat, the plants are sprayed.

- As the fight against aphids, you can use the peel of citrus plants. She poured boiling water and allowed to stand for two or three days in a dark place.

- Onion infusion made of chopped onions and a liter of water, also helps in the fight against aphids. You can also add a bit of grated soap. The resulting mixture is sprayed plants.

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- Infusion daisies in a ratio of 1: 3, that is infused 12 hours is suitable for spraying the plants. In addition, you can use chamomile, celandine, marigold, nettle, yarrow.

- Aphids afraid of sharp and fragrant concoctions. This can apply garlic broth (200 grams infuse for a week in the water jar, and then diluted and spray plant) or hot pepper (100 grams abraded peppers boiled and diluted with water to a volume of 1 liter).

In addition to the popular methods there are also chemical methods of struggle. You can buy special products, for example, "Akhtar", "Fufanon", "Komfidor", "Karbafos". They can be sprayed or watered plants. Such embodiments may be suitable for the trees that are difficult to spray. It is important to remember safety during the processing plant. It is necessary to use special clothing, which will close parts of the body, to protect the nose and mouth by means of contact (if not rinsed with water), process plant in the evening.

Suitable use of household chemicals (dishwashing detergent). In this case also means diluted in water and sprayed plant, soil covering film.

Some of the non-standard control methods is the use of cigarettes, tobacco. Tobacco is poured water for a day, and then obtained infusion process leaves the bottom part. It is worth noting that the infusion obtained strong and harvest during the week of such plants can not.

How can we prevent the appearance of aphids

In order not to waste efforts on the fight against aphids, it should be prevented. First, aphids feed on birds: sparrows, robins, chickadees, linnet. Enough to organize bird feeders to attract their attention.

Mantis, wasps, ladybugs, bugs also feed on aphids. So do not rush to expel beetles from the garden - they will benefit. For attracting ladybirds can be planted calendula, besides this plant is curative and it can be to dry over the winter.

It is also possible to plant plants that smell deter pest. These are plants with bright smell of basil, fennel, onion, coriander, mustard, garlic, mint, lemon balm. It is recommended to plant these plants close between the beds of plants, which can encroach aphids.

Ways to combat aphids great many, however, the best way - it does not give her a chance to appear. But if it does happen - each chosen a way to deal as they wish.

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