July planting of cucumbers - subtleties and pitfalls

  • Mar 03, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. Do you want to harvest fresh vegetables until the very frost? To do this, use self-pollinated hybrid plants that are not demanding on the sun's rays and tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

 Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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What varieties can you use?

Cucumber hybrids are most suitable for July planting:

  1. Ant.
  2. Courage.
  3. Buyan.
  4. Marina Grove.
  5. Garland.
  6. Moscow.
  7. Sultan.

These varieties are cold-resistant and resistant to diseases and parasites. Pollinated without the help of insects. With proper care, they give a bountiful harvest even in autumn.

Preparing seeds for planting

The seed must be hardened before sowing. Place the seeds on a slightly damp gauze and refrigerate for two days.

After hardening, place the seeds in the prepared solution containing trace elements. For the procedure, the "Uniflor Micro" product is suitable, which contains all the useful components. The preparation contains magnesium, which improves the production of chlorophyll.

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Seeds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Seeds, as soon as they hatch, sow in the greenhouse.

Proper watering and feeding of late cucumbers

It is recommended to water the vegetable plant in the morning. Water consumption per 1 sq. m is 3-4 liters, in warm and sunny weather, irrigate every other day. When setting cucumbers, double the volume of liquid.

During the cooling period, the soil is moistened much less or watering is completely stopped. During cold weather, vegetables poorly absorb liquid and nutrients. With excessive soil moisture, the roots rot. The required watering is once every seven days.

In order for the vegetable crop to undergo less stress during the cold snap, it will require regular feeding. You can use herbal solutions of herbs such as dandelion, nettle, or comfrey. Dilute the product with additional liquid (1:10) before use. To water one bush, take 1 liter of the product.

Cold protection

A layer of mulch will help protect the roots from cold spells. Make it out of compost or rotted manure. Spray with Epin-Extra (two ampoules / 2.5 l of liquid). Use the solution immediately, as it does not last long.

Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

To prevent vegetables from getting sick

The lowered air temperature during the cultivation of cucumbers in a later period helps to develop powdery mildew and rot. It is not recommended to overmoisten the soil at this time. Make sure that no water gets on the foliage. If decay does occur, pour the bushes with a prepared product consisting of water and skim milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Irrigate plants at the rate of 1 liter of solution for 6-7 bushes.

After processing, the plants should be covered with non-woven material until the air in the greenhouse is completely warmed up.

For powdery mildew, apply Trichodermin. It contains many spores of fungi that have the medicinal properties of an antibiotic.

Do you know how to properly plant cucumbers in July?

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