7 ways to kill currants

  • Dec 13, 2020

Black and red currants do not require any special care skills. This culture has a strong immunity to many pests and diseases. But you will not be able to get a good harvest if you neglect the simplest agrotechnical rules. Experts identify 7 ways to kill currants, which can be easily avoided if you know about them.

It will not be possible to get a good harvest of currants if you neglect the simplest agrotechnical rules. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
It will not be possible to get a good harvest of currants if you neglect the simplest agrotechnical rules. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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7 mistakes in the process of growing currants

In caring for plants, all stages are important, starting with the choice of a variety and ending with the timely loosening of the soil. In order to collect many fragrant berries at the end of the season, you need to pay attention to issues related to the cultivation of currants.

Variety selection

People who are starting to grow currants often choose varieties planted in European countries, holding the opinion that the quality of such seedlings will be better. The mistake lies in the fact that gardeners do not take into account the climatic conditions of the region in which they themselves live.

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Domestic breeders develop varieties that are resistant to specific weather conditions of the region, therefore it is much easier to work with such planting material, the yield will be higher currants.

Selection of seedlings

When purchasing a seedling, one should focus not on developed green shoots, but on how well the root system has grown. When the seedling is planted, the branches need to be cut low so that all the plant's forces are directed towards root development.

If you buy planting material with weak roots and powerful branches, you should not wait for the harvest.

When purchasing a seedling, one should focus not on developed green shoots, but on how well the root system has grown. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Plant currants in the shade

There will be few berries on the currant if the area on which it grows is in the shade. The thickening of the plantings also negatively affects the fruiting processes of the bush.

Culture needs a lot of space. The site should be prepared 10-15 days before planting seedlings, taking into account the water balance of the land. Currants grow well in moderately lit areas

Uncultivated land

Correctly and timely processed soil is the key to obtaining a large yield of currants. If you neglect this stage, the bush will take root for a long time, it will hurt, so in the first few years you can even be left without berries.

On the site where currant bushes will be planted, holes are dug in advance. Their size should be approximately 0.5 * 0.6 cm. It should be remembered that the groove should be 2 times larger than the volume of the seedling roots. Within a few days, the pit should be ventilated to evaporate the harmful substances often formed in places that were fertilized with manure.

Then a mixture of 10 liters of manure, 0.2 kg of superphosphate and 0.3 kg of ash is poured onto the bottom of the pit. The composition of such a layer may vary depending on what kind of berry and on what soil is being planted.

Culture needs a lot of space. The site should be prepared 10-15 days before planting seedlings, taking into account the water balance of the land. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Ineffective pest control products

Many gardeners resort to folk methods of preventing and treating currant diseases, which cause great harm to the plant. For example, a completely ineffective remedy is to pour boiling water over the branches at the beginning of the season. There is no benefit in pest control, while the shoots receive a severe burn.

The bushes need to be treated with special insecticidal and fungicidal agents in accordance with the requirements of the technological calendar.

To combat currant pests, the bushes need to be treated with special insecticidal and fungicidal agents. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Wrong watering regime

The correct irrigation regime largely depends on the yield of the currant bush. In this case, a lack of moisture or its excess can be destructive.

An adult red currant bush should be watered at least 3 times per season, it should take 1-2 buckets of liquid. The first procedure is carried out during the period of berry growth, the second - after harvesting, the third - at the end of the season, when the plant is prepared for winter.

Black currant varieties need more liquid - up to 4-5 buckets per 1 m².

Incorrect dosage of fertilizers

Red currants are highly sensitive to chlorine, which can kill the plant. Chlorine-containing dressings should be used with great care, in many cases it is better to refuse them.

The best type of fertilizer will be complex substances containing urea, calcium and sodium nitrate.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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Read more:5 secrets of an unprecedented currant harvest