It's time to feed the currants - the best feeding

  • Dec 13, 2020

Spring is the time to feed the currants. In order to collect a bountiful harvest, substances must be introduced depending on the stage of the growing season the plant is in. Shrubs for the entire period must be fed with nitrogen, potash, phosphorus fertilizers and organic products.

Growing currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Growing currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Terms and scheme of adding substances

Currants require feeding in spring and summer, some varieties of berries need to be fertilized in autumn - the timing depends on the time of harvest. Professional gardeners add nutrients in this way:

  • The first feeding is carried out during the period of swelling of the kidneys. During this period, currants need nitrogen and complex fertilizers (for example, nitroammofosk). Before the procedure, you need to loosen the ground, weed the bushes and wait for a stable high air temperature.
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  • The second feeding is carried out before flowering (during the ripening of the buds). In order for the fruits to be as they should, it is necessary to add phosphorus and potassium to the ground. Nitrogen is also needed, but its concentration in comparison with the first feeding should be 2-3 times less. Experts recommend using diammofosk for these purposes.
  • The third feeding is carried out during the formation of the first fruits. At this time, you need to feed the bushes with a solution of boric acid - the procedure is necessary for better setting of berries. For the sweetness and aroma of the fruit, you must add potassium and phosphorus.
After harvesting, superphosphate and potassium sulfate should be added to the soil. Experts also recommend using potassium monophosphate - this will help strengthen the currants before wintering.
Top dressing of currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Required fertilizers

Currants are fertilized in 2 ways: root and foliar dressing. Experts advise the first type of method to be applied in spring, the second - after harvest. The most effective fertilizers are as follows:

  • Nitrogen. Here you should pay attention to urea and ammonium nitrate. In the first case, 15 g of the product must be diluted with 10 liters of water (calculated per 1 sq. m.). When using the second substance, the proportions are the same, the ratio of the main component is 46 and 33%, respectively.
  • Organic. From this series of fertilizers, it is worth using infusion of nettle, mullein.
  • Complex. Here you should pay attention to nitroammofosk, diammofosku. In parallel with them, a humate solution should be added to the soil. Substances are added according to the instructions written on the package.

Professional gardeners also advise adding superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate, potassium salt under the currant bushes.

It is recommended to use wood ash from organic fertilizing. 200 g of the main component must be stirred in 10 liters of water, the resulting product is applied under the currant bushes.

After picking berries, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers must be added to the soil. It is best to use granular or double superphosphate. It is necessary to dilute 30 g of the main component with 10 liters of water, water the bushes with a chilled solution.

It is worth paying attention to ready-made formulations for fertilizing the main crop. The most effective of them are: “Gumi-Omi Berry”, “Berry Bushes”, “Ryazanochka”. You can buy them in the city's garden shops.

Watering the currants. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Newbie mistakes

One of the main mistakes not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners is the use of undiluted slurry or chicken manure as fertilizer. These natural dressings can damage the root system.

Care must be taken to ensure that no substances fall on the trunk and leaves, otherwise it will contribute to the occurrence of burns. Top dressing should not be applied to dry soil - they will not be beneficial. Before carrying out the procedure, the ground must be moistened.

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