Planting seedlings in the ground - what everyone should know about

  • Dec 13, 2020
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After moving to open ground, the seedlings adapt for a long time to new conditions and become vulnerable to negative environmental influences. It may be ill for a long time or not develop. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the planting of seedlings in the ground was carried out with errors.

Any plant transplant is very stressful for them. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Any plant transplant is very stressful for them. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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General rules

Any plant transplant is very stressful for them. Therefore, the gardener must make every effort so that the seedlings of the crops grown normally survive such a process.

The specifics of transfer operations are determined by the following factors:

  • Containers where the planting material was formed.
  • The age and size of the seedlings.
  • A kind of culture.

If the plants were grown in tablets or peat containers, it is enough to transfer them to the finished well, and then sprinkle with soil and squeeze from all sides to eliminate the appearance of voids.

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When planting seedlings in cardboard or paper cups, you will need to adhere to other principles. To do this, the cups are divided with scissors, after which young seedlings are taken out of them. At this stage, it is important to hold them by the stem so as not to damage the earth clod. Then the seedlings are immersed in a depression, covered with fertile soil, compacted and watered.

If the weather is cloudy outside, it is better to start disembarking in the morning, and if the sun is shining, in the evening.

Seedlings from plastic containers are removed by this method:

  • Use one hand to hold the container, and the other to grab the edge of the plant so that the stem is positioned between the index and middle fingers.
  • Next, turn the plastic over, and with the hand, which is located to the center, get the sprout.

To reduce the negative impact on the planting material, watering should be stopped several days before the seedlings are moved to open ground. Also, 1-1.5 hours before planting, the seedlings are watered so that the clod of earth becomes wet.

Removing plants from cassettes is difficult. For such operations, a spatula, spatula or other similar device is used.

To reduce the negative impact on the planting material, watering should be stopped several days before the seedlings are moved to open ground. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Soil preparation

The seedling propagation site is prepared in the fall. Therefore, after collecting the fruits, it must be carefully dug up on a shovel bayonet, without breaking earth lumps. In this case, the soil mixture will freeze better in winter and be cleansed of parasites and infectious agents.

With the onset of spring, the garden bed is disinfected with copper sulfate at the rate of 1-1.5 composition per 1 m².

If you are planting cabbage, it is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

  • You should take the seedling bush with one hand, and with the other - make a hole in the soil.
  • Next, you need to transfer the seedling into the hole and distribute the fertile land. The main thing is to be careful not to damage the fragile roots of the cabbage.

The seedlings are deepened to the first full leaves. It is important to ensure that it is not below the growth level in the ground. Otherwise, the culture will die. After planting on the beds, a narrow strip of ammonium nitrate or urea is poured in the central part of the row spacing. Such fertilization provides comfortable conditions for intensive development of seedlings after transplanting.

If it is dry and hot outside, the seedlings can be covered with paper caps. Identical actions are repeated during sudden cold snaps.

When planting cucumbers in 5-6 days, you need to dig up a bed for 1 shovel bayonet and treat it with a solution of bird droppings mixed with a mullein in 10 liters of water. Then the area is covered with a film to preserve moisture and heat. The bed is kept in this state until the seedlings are placed in it.

To provide good lighting and protect plants from fungi, it is better to plant them in a checkerboard pattern.

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