An effective way to control ants in the area

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Insects, which often appear in vegetable gardens, summer cottages, cause more harm than good. There is an effective way of fighting ants, with the help of which it will be possible to eliminate pests for a long time, to protect planted crops.

Ants, often appearing in vegetable gardens, summer cottages, do more harm than good. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Ants, often appearing in vegetable gardens, summer cottages, do more harm than good. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why ants are harmful

There are a number of reasons why it is recommended to get rid of insects as soon as possible:

  • They gnaw through the protective layer on the stems and leaves of plants. Because of this, the risk of diseases and crop loss increases.
  • Often, large colonies settle next to the root system, which is gradually gnawed. For this reason, vegetables, bushes, herbs begin to lack nutrients.
  • Insects eat seeds. Because of this, the summer resident cannot collect them to plant next year.
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  • They gnaw out the pulp of berries, making them unsuitable for food.
  • They acidify the soil in the places where they settle. Such changes can harm a number of plants that prefer a neutral or slightly alkaline environment.
  • They provoke the appearance of aphids.
  • They make the lawn or garden bed aesthetically unattractive.
Ants gnaw through the protective layer on the stems and leaves of plants. Because of this, the risk of diseases and crop loss increases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Preventive actions

To avoid having to deal with the ants that have already appeared, take preventive measures regularly. In the spring, in the fall, dig a garden to prevent pests from settling in the beds.

Sprinkle fragrant spices around the perimeter of the site. Cinnamon, chili peppers, cloves, camphor, and crushed bay leaves help to repel insects well. You can also use plants to scare off ants. Pests do not tolerate the smell of mint, tomatoes, rosemary, valerian, nasturtium, sage. To prevent the appearance of anthills, plant several bushes in different parts of the summer cottage.

Effective control method

Getting rid of harmful insects involves a number of measures. Sometimes the procedures have to be repeated to achieve the desired effect.

First you need to find the anthill. It will look like an earthen embankment with an entrance located in the center. Wear closed clothing, protective gloves. This uniform will help avoid pest bites.

The uterus must be destroyed first. After her death, a new offspring will cease to appear. We'll have to dig out the anthill. Most often, the queens are not too far from the surface, so you do not have to dig a large trench. Distinguishing the queen from other ants is not difficult. It is larger than its congeners, has a large round belly, wings behind its back. Most often, the uterus is colored darker than other inhabitants of the nest.

When the queen is destroyed, you should get rid of the other ants. To do this, boil 10 liters of water. Pour boiling water over each place where pests accumulate. If you cannot destroy the population the first time, repeat the procedure. Most often, however, surviving insects leave the site on their own after the death of the uterus.

Getting rid of harmful insects involves a number of measures. Sometimes the procedures have to be repeated to achieve the desired effect. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Traditional methods

Some summer residents prefer to sprinkle salt on the anthill. Additionally, seasoning is scattered on the paths along which insects most often move.

If pests have started in the garden, a rag soaked in kerosene is placed under each fruit tree or bush. The pungent smell scares off ants. It is recommended to plant calendula next to currants or gooseberries. The plant attracts ladybirds that destroy aphids, thereby causing an indirect blow to the ant colony.

It is possible to protect the fruits on trees by coating the trunk with soot or linseed oil. The protective ring should be at least as wide as your palm. Processing of trees with hemp oil is allowed.

You can get ants to move by using strong smells. Place anise leaves mixed with chopped garlic sawdust or herring heads next to the anthill.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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