How to get rid of sleepiness forever

  • Dec 13, 2020
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All gardeners know that weeds interfere with the cultivation of crops, and the fight against them takes a lot of time and effort. One of the most resistant grasses is considered to be runny, which is difficult to remove from the site, since it is resistant to mechanical stress.

It is difficult to remove the runny from the site, since it is resistant to mechanical stress. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
It is difficult to remove the runny from the site, since it is resistant to mechanical stress. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Difficulties in the fight

Sleep is a perennial plant with a well-developed root system. It belongs to the umbrella species. If you allow the grass to grow and develop calmly, it can reach 1 m in length. Most often, thin stems stretch to 0.6-0.7 m. The plant has hoof-shaped leaves, it is difficult to confuse it with anything. Therefore, the weed is often called goat's hoof.

The grass blooms from the second decade of June until the beginning of the next month. Inflorescences are snow-white and spherical. They simultaneously form a large number of seeds.

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Gardeners say that getting rid of sleepiness completely is almost impossible. There are several reasons at once, and all of them complicate the struggle and reduce its effectiveness.

The first problem is a well-developed root system. She has excellent regenerative abilities. Even the constant weeding of the beds and periodic digging of the soil does not bring the expected result. The weed disappears for a short time, but then reappears.

In addition to reproduction by buds, the runny spreads with the help of a huge number of seeds that ripen in umbrellas. 1 adult plant gives about 6 thousand. seeds. In this regard, a set of measures must be taken in the fight against weeds. Only 1 method will not bring the long-awaited result, and it will not be possible to remove the dullness from the garden.

Sleep is a perennial plant with a well-developed root system. It belongs to the umbrella species. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Most effective options

To remove the plant even from the most neglected area, the agronomist Nikiforov developed an algorithm of actions. He recommends completely removing the fertile soil layer. Fold the turf in one place close to each other. Then pour it with urea concentrate or ammonium nitrate. The fertile mass contains the remains of weed roots and seeds. After a few years, they will successfully rot and make an excellent fertilizer.

In the meantime, the nutrient layer of the soil should be restored with imported soil. This option improves the physical and chemical characteristics of the substrate.

If the earth has been dug more than once, with the help of a pitchfork, you need to remove all the remaining parts of the weed and its roots. Weeding should be done regularly - at least once every 7-10 days. And the gaps between the beds will have to be mowed with a scythe or a hand sickle.

In the garden, you can fight flushing by regularly mowing. The constant cutting of greenery prevents the plant from stocking up on useful compounds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Some gardeners use mulching to combat grass. This option allows you to both stop the growth of weeds and improve the composition of the soil, keeping it at an optimal level of moisture. Free-flowing substances and all kinds of canvases are used as mulch. The first category includes compost, peat, last year's fallen leaves, old hay or straw, needles and sawdust, the second - agricultural canvas, polyethylene and geotextiles.

In the garden, you can fight flushing by regularly mowing. The constant cutting of greenery does not allow the plant to stock up on the beneficial compounds that it receives in the process of photosynthesis. Mowing leads to weakening of the grass, followed by its disappearance. In addition, this method prevents the formation and maturation of seeds. After manipulation, it is important to immediately remove the green mass from the site in order to prevent the seeds that have reached maturity from getting into the soil.

Another way is to change the pH values ​​towards neutral or alkaline. Snape prefers to grow in acidic soil. To make the garden unattractive to weeds, it is enough to change the pH parameters.

Alkalinization of the soil at the site is carried out using lime, crushed chalk or dolomite flour. These substances are rich in calcium, and dolomite additionally contains a large amount of magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of cultivated plants.

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