How to cut a geranium for lush flowering

  • Dec 24, 2019

There are some rules, how to cut a geranium, and they describe not only the process but also indicate periods when the manipulation should be carried out. Most often, the procedure is carried out in March and October - November. In addition, it is possible to grow pelargonium in a free state or a form of it stam culture.

Growing geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing geraniums. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Pruning Pelargonium: basic rules

Trimming flower is conducted in accordance with the grade. Pelargonium common annuals and perennials. For annuals operation is not mandatory. Most often it is used to form the crown. Perennial shrubs need to undergo the procedure twice a year: in spring and autumn. In this case, shortening the shoots helps generate a lot of kidneys and to lay a large number of stems. Pelargonium manipulation provides long and abundant flowering.

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In carrying out pruning is necessary to pay attention to a plant variety. There are bushes in which the low and thick main stem. The plant grows not upwards and laterally. Crohn generates volumetric bowl. In some varieties, for sufficiently long-stemmed branches cascade down. And in other species laid growth in height. change the shape of the crown can not drastically. Too intensive cropping may lead to death of plants.

Pruning Geranium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pruning Geranium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Pruning Geranium autumn

Geranium flowers in summer and autumn with the onset of cold weather begins to prepare for hibernation. In so doing, it helps trim. When dry the last buds and the leaves turn yellow, you can begin to manipulate. Complete removal shall be dry and withered inflorescence branches. All yellow leaves should be removed, so that the bush is not wasting time on their recovery. Healthy branches are cut. Above ground left branch of 5-10 cm in height.

The procedure helps the plant to lay the ears of new shoots and form buds that bloom in the spring. If the time for the autumn there was an operation, in any case do not need to cut the bushes with the onset of winter. Since the beginning of December and for the last ten days of February the plant are considered to be severely weakened.

Prior to manipulation of the tools necessary to take care of disinfection and cook pounded charcoal. This powder sprinkle the cut. If necessary, the preparation may replace wood ash.

Spring pruning

Manipulation is performed in the first decade of March. Operation helps the plant to form a large number of shoots and increase the lush green mass. In this case, geranium bloom much later.

Too hard to cut the branch is not necessary. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the plant and its age. If intensive crop large shrub, its recovery will take a lot of time. In this case, it may not have time to bloom. On young plants, the crown can be cut to shape and stronger at the same time it on your own.

Forming stam plants of geranium bush

Culturing stam flower transformation involves lush bush slender tree. In this case, the inflorescence will not be dismissed the entire length of the plant, but only on the top of the crown. Stam geranium looks original and beautiful and can be used in landscape design with the unusual side.

At first, all the side shoots on the bush cut and leave only the main stem. It is attached to the support. After reaching the small tree height 1 m mark pinch tip: the main escape - the first branch, and appeared side - after the fourth. Wait for the appearance of inflorescences on this tree have long enough.

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