How to care for roses in summer: sharing secrets

  • Dec 13, 2020

Taking care and caring for roses in summer will allow you to enjoy their wonderful aroma, stunning views, protect bushes from diseases, and create conditions for favorable growth and development.

Summer rose care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Summer rose care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Basic principles of caring for roses in the summer

In summer, the rose garden needs watering and spraying, weeding, mulching, and pruning. The bushes are examined, infected areas are removed, and dried leaves and wilted inflorescences are removed. In each month, the manipulations will be different, because the rose garden has different stages of growth.

June care

At this time, the roses develop buds. They need timely watering and fertilization. In the first week of summer, the bushes are fed with herbal infusion from freshly cut grass and water. A container with a volume of 100 liters needs 40 liters of grass substrate, 200 g of biofertilizers, the rest is topped up with warm water. Next, the liquid is infused for 3-4 days in a warm place.

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The finished infusion is brought to working condition with water in a ratio of 3:10 and the bushes are immediately fertilized at the root.

At the same time, they do pruning of dry branches and blind shoots.

After a week, top dressing is carried out outside the root. For her, a herbal solution is again used and additionally sprayed with growth stimulants. Such work is no longer carried out at the root, nutrients are distributed evenly over the leaf plates of each bush.

Spraying is best done in the morning or in the evening to avoid direct sunlight, which reduces the bioactivity of the growth stimulants used.

Top dressing is stopped as soon as the flowering of the buds begins.

Also, until the end of June, the soil is mulched with manure if it was not added in May, and sprayed with biofungicidal preparations. And the damaged bushes are additionally treated with a solution of sodium humate and watered at the root.

Watering in June is carried out no more than 1 time a week with warm water, without touching the leaves.

In summer, the rose garden needs watering and spraying, weeding, mulching, and pruning. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

July treatments

In July, you need to remove the buds that have faded, along with the peduncle. After that, a herbal solution for feeding is again prepared to prepare the bushes for the second flowering, and mineral and organic substances are also added. Work is completed before flowering.

Watering is carried out once a week, once a decade they are sprayed against diseases and pests.

This month is favorable for propagation by cuttings. If you plant the cuttings in the ground in June, the roses will have time to develop the root system and will be able to winter well. For this purpose, cuttings from bush branches are used, they take root well and retain varietal properties.

When the roses fade, the shoots are pruned.

In July, you need to remove the buds that have faded, along with the peduncle. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

What do they do in August

The month is used to prepare the bushes for the winter season.

Care is reduced to the prevention of rot and fungus. To do this, the earth is weeded and mulched with sawdust and humus.

In August, watering is reduced, producing it only when the top layer is completely dry.

Of the fertilizers, only those that contain potassium and phosphorus, such as potassium monophosphate, are applied. They increase the resistance of the roots to cold weather.

Upon completion of all work, unripe shoots are removed.

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Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about caring for roses in spring in the following article:How to properly care for roses in spring