Apple variety Golden Delicious - a sweet favorite of gardeners

  • Dec 13, 2020
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The apple variety Golden Delicious has a high yield, pleases with its taste, and is resistant to diseases. Apple trees are grown in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. Experienced gardeners follow agrotechnical rules to produce fragrant green apples.

The apple variety Golden Delicious has a high yield, pleases with its taste, and is resistant to diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The apple variety Golden Delicious has a high yield, pleases with its taste, and is resistant to diseases. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Description and chemical composition of apples

Delicious apple trees are of medium height, with a cone-shaped crown. The main branches are at a 45 ° angle to the trunk. The fruits are small, their weight is 170 g. They are rounded. Initially covered with a rough skin of a light green color, apples soon turn yellow. In some cases, red spots appear on the skin. The stalks are thin. The flesh of Golden apples is sweet, juicy, after a few months it becomes yellow and pleasant to the taste. Delicious apples have the following chemical composition:

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  • dry matter;
  • Sahara;
  • acids;
  • P-reactive compounds;
  • pectins.

Apples ripen at the end of September. Gardeners keep their crops until spring. Fruit boxes are placed in a room with low humidity. The fruits do not lose their taste during storage.

Fruits contain the following trace elements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.


  • early ripening of fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • maximum content of nutrients.

Apples can be transported long distances. The fruit is used to prepare juice and puree for baby food.

The disadvantages of the popular variety should also be noted. The older the apple tree, the more modest the amount of harvest ripens on it. Lack of timely pruning leads to the appearance of small fruits. Golden apples are prone to infectious diseases such as:

  • brown spotting;
  • scab;
  • powdery mildew.

When apples are treated with chemicals containing copper, the fruits are covered with rust, low humidity contributes to their drying out. Golden variety does not withstand storage conditions at low temperatures. Severe frosts affect the size of fruits: they become smaller, have low taste, poorly expressed aroma.

Apples ripen at the end of September. Gardeners keep their crops until spring. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How to plant a Delicious tree correctly

A high yield is harvested only if the seedlings are correctly placed in the soil and are regularly cared for. Young seedlings are planted in the first month of spring, before budding on the trees. The Golden Delicious variety gives a high yield if the seedlings are planted in a lighted area, and the underground waters are deep. The soil should be nutritious or loamy.

Before starting work, prepare tools and materials:

  • shovel;
  • soil mixture;
  • centimeter tape.

They dig a hole measuring 1x1 m.The gardener prepares a nutrient mixture in advance, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • humus;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • ash.

The tree should be properly planted.

The work is performed in several stages:

  • The roots of the seedlings are placed in water for 12 hours.
  • A peg is installed in the hole, which will support the young plant.
  • The tree is placed in the hole, the root collar is located 5 cm above the soil surface.
  • They fill the pit with earth and tamp the soil.
  • 3 buckets of water are poured under the tree.
  • Mulching is carried out with humus.

It is necessary to water the seedlings once every 3 days.

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