How to get rid of burdock forever

  • Dec 13, 2020

Often, on personal plots, you can find burdock (burdock), which is a large weed plant with thorns, a thick stem and large leaves. Being a crop that is unpretentious to soil and weather conditions, burdock is extremely common in different natural zones. Growing in large quantities, the weed harms ornamental and vegetable crops, which leads to the need to control it. You should consider in detail how to get rid of burdock in various ways.

Growing up in large quantities, burdock harms ornamental and vegetable crops, which leads to the need to combat it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Growing up in large quantities, burdock harms ornamental and vegetable crops, which leads to the need to combat it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Effective ways to deal with burdock

There are several effective ways to destroy burdocks in the area:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • biological products, etc.

Rooting and digging are considered common mechanical methods. The essence of the first of them consists in finding and pulling out burdock roots by hand. After several years of careful sampling of rhizomes, you can free the site from this weed.

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Another mechanical way to eliminate burdock is to dig the garden by hand or with a milling cutter, which greatly crushes the weed. It will take a few digs to get a good result.

The chemical effect on burdock is based on poisoning of plant tissues with poison. The effect will be noticeable in 10-14 days. Chemicals that actively destroy this weed include:

  • Roundup;
  • Agrokiller;
  • "Hurricane", etc.

Burdock is destroyed by spraying it with solutions of the listed drugs. It is important when processing to protect the beds with cultivated plants.

Biological products are considered safe weed control products. The mechanism of their action consists in the destruction of thistles by special microorganisms that do not harm animals, other plants, and soil.

Additional methods for eliminating burdock include regular mowing and mulching.

There are several effective ways to kill burdocks in the area. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Why is burdock harmful for ornamental and vegetable crops

Burdock has not only a large ground part, but also powerful roots that go into the ground by 2 m. This perennial plant easily adapts to any conditions, reproduces well and quickly. The weed that infests the developed personal plot harms other crops, expressed in the following:

  • Perceptibly impoverishes the land. A developed root system sucks out minerals and other nutrients from the soil that are not enough for cultivated plants.
  • Its large size impedes the spread of sunlight and heat, which leads to poor development of neighboring plants, to the emergence and spread of various diseases.
  • In its thickets, harmful insects start up, further destroying ornamental and vegetable crops.
  • It complicates the approach to planting, leads to poor-quality care.

The main rule for preventing the spread of burdock on a personal plot is regular inspection of the territory and the complete destruction of the plant when it is found. Nutritious juicy weed leaves and stems can be fed to pets.

Another rule of preventing weeds from entering the site is to carefully check all planting material for its seeds.

Do you know how to get rid of burdock on the site?

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