Autumn planting of juniper without mistakes

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Juniper is often used as an ornamental plant in garden plots. Its low, medium and high views are perfect for design. In order for the juniper plantations to be healthy, beautiful and delight the owners for many years, it is necessary to make their correct autumn planting.

Juniper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Juniper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The choice of material for planting

The most favorable time for planting a juniper is the beginning of autumn. The summer drying heat is gone, but the frost is still far away. It is best to choose seedlings at specialized points of sale for gardeners. The plant must be 3 years old, without the following signs of disease:

  • withered branches;
  • yellow needles;
  • damage;
  • broken spine;
  • the soil on the root system does not hold, it crumbles.
A healthy seedling does not need a special choice of planting site. It is only necessary to take into account the need of the species for sunlight, perhaps the selected plant will feel better in partial shade.
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Autumn planting of juniper

Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Common, Cossack and Asian species prefer alkaline soil with a pH above 7. If poppy and white sandwood grow on the site, the soil is alkaline. If not, then slaked lime or dolomite flour should be added to the soil.

Juniper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Other types of juniper require fertilization of the earth with compost or manure.

Planting a seedling step by step will help you avoid mistakes and get a beautiful, healthy plant.

  • Fertilizing the soil.
  • Moistening the soil by watering.
  • Preparation of holes 15 cm deep.
  • Pour broken brick or small pebbles at the bottom of the hole.
  • A mixture of sand, peat, clay soil is poured into the holes two weeks before planting.
  • Plant the seedling carefully without damaging it, and leaving its stem 5 cm above the soil.
  • Cover with earth.
  • Water abundantly.
REFERENCE! When planting several plants, a minimum half-meter distance between them must be observed.

Plant care after planting

Juniper is a hardy plant. Easily tolerates winter cold and summer heat. In the first year after planting, it needs weekly watering. After a year, he has enough natural precipitation.

Juniper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Immediately after planting a seedling, several rules must be followed that will allow the plant to take root.

  • Cover the soil around the sprout with a protective cover made of a mixture of peat and sawdust. The thickness of the mulch is at least 4 cm.
  • Top dressing with nitroammophos - 50 grams per bucket of water.
  • Spray the crown in the morning and evening.
  • Trim dry and limp branches carefully.

In the first year after planting, the young plant will need frost protection. To do this, the juniper is wrapped in two layers of parchment paper and cotton cloth, tied with a rope. At the bottom, you must leave 10 cm open.

Juniper on the site plays not only a decorative role. It has a pleasant smell for humans, which kills pathogens.

Do you plant junipers in the country?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

How to propagate juniper by cuttings, read the following article:Reproduction of juniper by cuttings is real