You need to know the enemy by sight: the insidious doubles of the porcini mushroom

  • Dec 13, 2020

King! Long live the king!

It is no coincidence that the white mushroom is called the king of the forest. Even meeting with him causes some kind of childish delight. Noble, beautiful, aromatic. And what kind of dishes are obtained from it - you will lick your fingers! When heat treated, it does not turn into porridge, does not lose color - does not turn black. For this, it received its Russian name "white" as an opposition to the "black" representatives of the mushroom kingdom.

Porcini. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Porcini. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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IMPORTANT! The porcini mushroom, unlike many of its counterparts, never changes color at a break and during heat treatment.

As befits a representative of high society, he chooses the best places in the forest for living: light birch groves and oak groves, clean spacious pine forest and spruce groves not overgrown with weeds.

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Depending on the "producer forest", the white mushroom can be spruce, pine, birch, oak. In general, there are more than 20 varieties of porcini mushrooms in nature.

All boletus are characterized by:

  • Dense, fleshy cap. It is slightly sticky, does not change color at the break. The shade depends on the forest in which the mushroom grows. The lower part of the cap in young mushrooms is white, then changes color to yellowish. In adults, it is greenish.
  • Dense leg. For "sturdy kids" - barrel-based, for grown-up individuals - cylindrical. Color from almost white to brownish, mesh.

Doubles and false whites

Some poisonous and inedible mushrooms look very similar to edible ones at first glance. The boletus also has such "doubles". In order not to confuse them with a real royal person, you need to imagine what distinguishes them from a real "little white".

Satanic mushroom

Let's start the "parade of doubles" with the most dangerous and poisonous - the satanic mushroom.

Satanic mushroom. Illustration for the article is used from the site

He prefers oak forests and dense hazel trees.

The outer side of the cap is predominantly white, the bottom is pinkish to dark red.

The leg is from yellowish to bright yellow with a mesh pattern of a dark pink or red hue.

Refers to poisonous: do not even touch it. Bright coloration reveals its poisonous essence at first glance.

If you still dare to take it in your hands to explore, then you will surely feel an unpleasant putrid smell. The leg and cap quickly turn blue and subsequently turn red.

IMPORTANT! Don't taste questionable mushrooms (lick your tongue). This is dangerous. In addition, one of the varieties of the gall fungus has a sweetish flesh, but when heat-treated it will still become bitter.

Gall mushroom

Habitat - dry pine and spruce forests.

Of all the "traitors", a real white mushroom looks the most outwardly, especially at a "tender" age.

Gall mushroom. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Some specimens with a light gray cap resemble boletus boletus.

But there are differences. The hat of the gorchak is pink below, the mesh on the upper part of the leg is darker than that of the porcini mushroom. The stem quickly turns pink or purple when cut.

Refers to inedible. All the names of this successful parody of a porcini mushroom - gall mushroom, bitterness and bitter - indicate a bitterness that cannot be defeated either by soaking or heat treatment. Once in the basket, he will hasten to share his piquant "bitterness" with the whole harvest. During heat treatment, its natural bitterness only intensifies. It is impossible to poison yourself with this mushroom, but you will definitely succeed in hopelessly spoiling the dish.


The boletus has two varieties with diametrically opposite names - gray and beautiful. The first chooses places under the fir trees. Habitat - Primorsky Territory, the second grows in oak groves. Both resemble a variation of white - oak wood.

Boletus. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Gray boletus differs from the edible mushroom by the absence of a red mesh on the stem and a bitter taste. The leg is much brighter, with a spectral color that smoothly changes from lilac to burgundy.

The boletus has a beautiful yellow tube and a red stem.

Turn blue on the cut. It tastes bitter. The dish in which the bolletus falls will have to be thrown away.

Instead of a conclusion

So, going into the forest for mushrooms, you need to arm yourself not only with a basket and tools for collecting the "forest harvest", but also with knowledge. After all, inexperience can get into a basket not quite desirable mushrooms, which can not only spoil the mood and even health with a "stunning" dish.

Remember the first commandment of the mushroom picker: if you doubt, don't take it!

Do you like to pick mushrooms in the forest?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about woody mushrooms in the following article:5 beneficial tree mushrooms that many consider inedible