Features of the correct harvesting of garlic from the garden in various parts of Russia

  • Dec 13, 2020

Without any doubt, even a beginner will figure out how to remove garlic from the garden. Experienced gardeners know that garlic is divided into two types according to its characteristics: winter and spring. There are also separate varieties that produce arrows, and those that do not have this feature. The first ones reproduce by cloves and air bulbs, or, as some people call them, “bulbs”. The second - only with teeth. For many, this is the most famous and widespread method of growing garlic.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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When is garlic harvested?

Already at the beginning of August, you can see that the leaves of garlic turn yellow. This fact is an indicator that the garlic is ripe. You can start cleaning. But a sign that the gardener is late with the cleaning are crumbling cloves.


For about 10 years now, gardeners have been working growing garlic in Siberia. For all the time, 2 varieties of vegetable crops were bred. All local gardeners make recommendations to plant garlic in areas where early harvested crops grow. In this case, the beds must be necessarily even so that the wind penetrates there as little as possible. It is also not recommended to sow garlic in lowlands, as it will rot when grown in such conditions.

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But many local beginners are very interested in the question of how and when to properly remove garlic from the garden. So, in the variety that shoots the arrow, you can see it already at the end of June. If the gardener does not need air bulbs, the arrows should be disposed of. This can be done by simply plucking the inflorescences.

Harvesting is done when the air bulbs begin to crumble. The harvesting of the second type of garlic, which does not shoot the arrow, is done at a time when its leaves turn yellow.


It all depends on the weather, and usually the time of collection falls on the summer period: late July or early August. Yellow leaves will again be an indicator of the ripening of garlic. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Collect garlic in dry weather. To do this, dig up the garlic with a pitchfork. Then it is recommended to clean it from the ground and spread it out on a flat dry surface for further drying for about 5 days, preferably in the sun. This method will help get rid of pests.

Ready garlic can be poured into a mesh, box or glass container. It doesn't matter where you store it - in a warm or cold room. The main thing is that it is well ventilated and dry.


In the Urals, the most popular type of garlic that shoots an arrow. It is believed that it tolerates wintering more easily. The head is made of wide teeth. The leaves are directed upwards.

In the middle of summer, you can already see how balls begin to form on the arrows. They are used to propagate garlic. They are not stored for long - only six months. The species that does not shoot the arrow has a large head, and the teeth are slightly smaller in volume, but there are much more of them in number. This type of garlic has a lower yield, but exceeds the shelf life - up to 8 months.

Before planting any kind (according to the rules of gardeners), it should be soaked. But locals in the Urals advise collecting on the basis of the principle: the sooner the better. Therefore, you should not wait for full maturation.

The signal for harvesting is the arrows or leaves if the arrows have been cut beforehand. When they turn yellow, then it's time to get to work. It is also advised to tie the garlic leaves a few days before harvesting.

Garlic. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Rostov region

Fruits that are planned to be used for planting in the future must be harvested 5 days later than the garlic for sale or storage. In no case should you be late with the collection, otherwise the garlic may sprout. It all depends on the climatic and weather conditions of the region and may take a time period from late August to late September.


Bashkirs begin to harvest garlic after three quarters of the leaves have dried. This happens approximately 3-3.5 months after germination. But experienced gardeners believe that early digging of garlic will affect its storage.

Whichever natural area you are in, the scheme for harvesting garlic is about the same. A slight difference is noted only in time. It also depends on the variety of garlic, because each ripens according to its own schedule.

Do you know how to properly store garlic?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about feeding onions and garlic in the following article:How and when to feed onions and garlic so that the leaves do not turn yellow