How to feed strawberries during budding, flowering and fruiting

  • Dec 13, 2020

Feeding strawberries during budding is an important event in the care of berry crops. If you ignore this stage, the plant will stop forming ovaries, and the yield will drop sharply. Particular attention is paid to fertilization in early spring.

Feeding strawberries during budding is an important event in the care of berry crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Feeding strawberries during budding is an important event in the care of berry crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Root processing

The specifics of caring for strawberries, which began to bloom profusely, boil down to the following activities:

  • Top dressing.
  • Balanced hydration.
  • Trimming works.
  • Pollination.

Fertilizers must be applied to the soil according to a strict scheme:

  • At 1 year of life, the berry is not fed. After planting, it is saturated with nutrients from the soil and does not feel a deficiency of any substances during the season.
  • With the onset of 2 years, you should feed the strawberries with organic and mineral compounds.
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  • Year 3 provides for the use of only mineral preparations.
  • At the 4th year of development, the plant should receive an abundant portion of complex mixtures of mineral and organic components.
There are a number of proven folk remedies that can be used to process strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The first feeding is done in early spring, usually in mid-April after the snow melts, but before the leaves open. At this stage, summer residents distribute nitrogen-containing complexes over the garden bed. Before such a procedure, it is worth pruning the bushes.

As a folk remedy for feeding strawberry plantings, you can use a solution of 10 liters of nettle, filled with 10 liters of water and infused for 3-4 days. If the processing is performed at the root, it is not necessary to filter the infusion. But before use, it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Watering is carried out taking into account the size of the bush - 0.5-1 liters per plant.

To increase the efficiency of root processing, you can combine it with the foliar method. In this case, the bush will receive more nutrients in 1 cycle.

Particular attention is paid to fertilization in early spring. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Foliar fertilization and feeding at the flowering stage

It is customary to use this option for introducing nutrients on a cloudy dry day. It is better to do this early in the morning or late in the evening, given the following recommendations:

  • The composition is distributed over the site after watering the crop.
  • Spraying should be started with young plant elements.
  • To improve fruiting, it is worth feeding strawberries at the flowering stage.
  • In the middle of spring, for foliar fertilizers, formulations with the inclusion of boric acid are used.

A second procedure is performed during the period when the strawberries are blooming. In most cases, this happens in early June. During the flowering stage, the crop should receive a lot of potassium. Such a chemical element improves the condition of the bushes and promotes the formation of sweet fruits. Potassium also improves productivity and makes berries resistant to prolonged transportation.

In case of a lack of substance, the tips of the leaf plates will begin to become covered with brown spots.

There are a number of proven folk remedies that can be used to process strawberries. The most effective are coniferous and wood ash or ash obtained from burning grapes, potato tops and sunflowers. The top dressing contains various trace elements. The product is diluted in a proportion of 1 liter of the mixture per 10 liters of water and is consumed at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Do you know when and how to properly feed strawberries?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

You can also read about feeding strawberries in the following article:Feeding strawberries during flowering for a good harvest