10 reasons why a pear does not bloom or bear fruit if it is already 5 years old, and what to do about it

  • Dec 13, 2020

Lack of flowering and harvest in pears is a consequence of illness, improper care, lack of nutrients or negative effects of external factors. To fix the problem in time, every gardener should know why the pear does not bloom.

Every gardener should know why a pear doesn't bloom. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Every gardener should know why a pear doesn't bloom. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Reasons for the lack of flowering

Finding out the reasons why a fruit tree does not bloom is difficult. In this case, you will have to remember everything, starting with planting the pear. Common reasons why pears do not have flowers:

  • Incorrectly selected variety. It is optimal to plant those varieties that meet the climatic conditions of a particular area. For areas where low temperatures are not uncommon, it is recommended to choose frost-resistant species. These varieties are better able to withstand adverse conditions.
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  • Failure to comply with the landing rules. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to examine their roots, remove broken ones and shorten too long shoots. The size of the landing pit is 60 * 50 cm. You also need to prepare a soil mixture: add 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potash fertilizers, a handful of ash, lime (if the soil is acidic), humus. It is impossible to deeply bury the seedling in the hole, this causes a delay in development and fruiting, and reduces the frost resistance of the plant. For additional support, 5-6 cm from a young tree, you need to place a stake, cover everything with earth, forming a small hill. The graft should be 3-4 cm above the soil level. Then the soil must be compacted, watered abundantly (15-20 liters), the trunk circle must be mulched.
  • Lack of sunlight. The choice of a place on the site should be approached carefully. For this fruit tree, it is necessary to take the sunniest place, otherwise the pear will not bloom or the flowering will not be abundant. If over time the area where the pear is planted disappears in the shade of buildings or other mature trees, the plant should be transplanted.
  • Hypothermia of trees in winter. Even cold-resistant varieties do not always withstand the pressure of the elements. The trunk and thick branches will be able to withstand frost, and short fruit trees freeze, which leads to a lack of flowering and ovaries. It is difficult to solve this problem, but a plant prepared and sheltered for the winter has a better chance of retaining young branches and buds.
  • Incorrect cropping. Pruning the branches too much weakens the tree, especially the health of young pears. A weakened tree spends its vitality and reserves of nutrients to restore the crown, and not to form flowers and fruits.
  • Rhizome decay. The pear does not develop well in heavy wet soil. Also, near-flowing groundwater washes away useful microelements.

The lack of flowering in a young pear is not a reason to get upset and panic. Most of the problems due to which flowering disappears can be corrected with careful competent care.

Do you know why a pear does not bloom and bear fruit?

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