Top dressing for roses in August and September

  • Dec 13, 2020

Fertilizing roses after flowering and transplanting is necessary. It allows you to strengthen the root system of plants and make up for the deficiency of nutrients. Top dressing in the fall helps prepare the bushes for winter. Without this manipulation, roses will weaken and become easy prey for harmful microorganisms, in addition, they can die in winter.

Fertilizing roses after flowering and transplanting is necessary. It allows you to strengthen the root system of plants and make up for the deficiency of nutrients. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Fertilizing roses after flowering and transplanting is necessary. It allows you to strengthen the root system of plants and make up for the deficiency of nutrients. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Top dressing after transplanting or flowering

Roses spend a lot of energy on bud formation and flowering. During this period, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and boron are actively taken from the soil. In this regard, immediately after the end of flowering, the bushes should be fed. Most often, this time falls on the last decade of August or the first half of September, therefore fertilization provides for another important function - preparation for winter. In the fall, roses lay flower buds and accumulate nutrient compounds in the root system, which will further help them survive a strong decrease in temperature.

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In September and October, bushes are also transplanted. In order for the plants to quickly take root in a new place and not get sick, they need feeding. Root and foliar application methods are used. If the bushes are very weak, it is better to choose the second option. It will have to stop at it even in the case of an early severe cold snap, since with a sharp drop in temperature, the roots of plants begin to poorly assimilate nutrient compounds from the soil. For manipulation, choose dry and calm weather. Top dressing is best applied in the evening hours, after sunset. This will help prevent burn spots from appearing on the leaf plates of the roses.

Roses spend a lot of energy on bud formation and flowering. During this period, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and boron are actively taken from the soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Organic compounds and mineral preparations

From organic fertilizing to shrubs after the flowering period, manure, herbal infusion and wood ash are best suited. To prepare the first composition, 1 kg of humus is diluted with 10 liters of settled water and 1-1.5 glasses of ash are added to the mixture. Everything is mixed and insisted for 2-3 days. Before watering, roses are bred in a 1: 2 ratio.

For fermented grass, a large old barrel is filled 2/3 full with weeds and old hay. All are filled with water and left for a week. If desired, you can add 500-700 g of wood ash. Strain before use, dilute in a ratio of 1:10 and use for root or foliar application.

Ash is added to the soil either dry or wet. The first option involves digging 0.25 kg of ash into the ground for each 1 m² of plantings. The liquid formulation is more efficiently absorbed by the roots. For its preparation, 2 kg of ash are poured into 4 liters of boiling water and insisted for 20-22 hours. Then the composition is filtered and bred with 4 buckets of settled or rain water. Such a solution is suitable not only for watering, but also for spraying roses immediately after flowering.

Superphosphate and potassium salts are most often used as mineral fertilizers for plantings. You can take 5 g of potassium nitrate and 15 g of phosphorus granules for 1 bucket of water, or purchase a complex product. Finished preparations are diluted only according to the instructions.

Do you feed roses after flowering or transplanting?

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