Midges have gotten in the orchid: effective ways to get rid of

  • Dec 13, 2020

Midges in an orchid start for various reasons, the most likely being the use of contaminated objects or soil. These insects are very harmful. When an orchid is damaged, the growth of the green part of the plant slows down, soon the flower may die if you do not take action.

Midges in an orchid start for various reasons, the most likely being the use of contaminated objects or soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Midges in an orchid start for various reasons, the most likely being the use of contaminated objects or soil. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Causes of midges, types of pests

In order for the bush to become infected, insects (adults, their offspring or eggs) must get into the container. This is possible with violations such as:

  • orchid transplant using unsuitable soil (taken from the site in the absence of disinfection);
  • the acquisition of an infected substrate, this does not happen often, but the probability is still there;
  • using dirty equipment, for example, if it was previously used to care for other plants that are already infected.
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The following types of midges can be found on the orchid:

  • thrips;
  • whitefly;
  • fruit flies;
  • fruit;
  • mushroom gnats, or sciarids (among them bradzia, licoriella, sciiara are noted).

Thrips harder soil and roots than others. They can be recognized by signs: 2 wings, stripes on the abdomen. If sciarids appear on the flower, it is problematic to remove them completely. Mushroom mosquitoes cause the greatest damage to the leaves. Their larvae destroy the roots of the orchid. Signs of midges:

  • the soil is constantly moistened, even if watering is rarely done;
  • the shape and color of the leaves changes;
  • the growth of plantings is inhibited;
  • small insects constantly fly out of the soil in the pot.
For prevention, you should periodically spray the orchid. This will create unsuitable conditions for the breeding of midges. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Ways to deal with midges on an orchid

It is necessary to create unacceptable conditions for the existence of pests. They actively reproduce in high humidity and high temperatures. It is necessary to control these environmental parameters, then the number of insects will decrease, but it will not be possible to completely remove them in this way. Aids are needed:

  • Soap solution. For processing, a brush is used, it is also necessary to clean off the plaque on the green part of the orchid, formed as a result of the vital activity of pests.
  • Sticky tapes are hung next to the pot.
  • Grow nasturtium nearby. The midge does not tolerate its smell.
  • To quickly destroy pests, use chemicals: "Commander", "Oberon", "Mospilan", etc.

They also use improvised means, among them the most popular are noted:

  • sunflower oil (1 tbsp. l.), 500 ml of water, the components are mixed, the plant is sprayed with a solution;
  • 2 cloves of garlic are chopped (you can use a special press), pour boiling water, the product should be infused for at least 4 hours.

For prevention, you should periodically spray the orchid. This will create unsuitable conditions for the breeding of midges. It is necessary to water the plant in moderation, it is important to avoid overdrying and waterlogging the soil. The green mass is periodically examined for signs of damage or the midge itself. The garden tools are cleaned regularly. After application, it must be washed and disinfected. After the purchase, the flower is transplanted and quarantined for a certain period (1-2 weeks). This will identify pests that emerge from the eggs over time.

Do you know how to get rid of midges on an orchid?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also about caring for an orchid in the following article:The orchid has crawled roots from the pot: reasons for what to do