Basic rules for storage of apples

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Apples - juicy and nutritious fruit that can be found in most suburban areas and on the shelves of all stores. Total known about 62 kinds of apples, and the efforts of breeders derived more than 10 thousand. varieties. Nutritionists recommend them as a source of potassium and vitamin C. And the fruits retain their useful properties, it is necessary to know the basic rules of apple storage in the home.

Keeping apples. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Keeping apples. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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basic conditions

  • Take apples only from winter species. They have a thicker peel and fruit are covered with a natural patina that prevents ingestion of bacteria and microorganisms. Autumn harvest also suitable for storage, but no longer than 2-3 months, while winter varieties are stored up to 8 months.
  • Avoid moving the workpiece from place to place. In sharp temperature differences, for example, when transferring from apples warm kitchen for cold balcony, spoiled fruits increase.
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  • Take care to harvest. This applies to those who are engaged in the collection of their own. Do not shake the apple tree - broken glass from the fruit will quickly rot. Peel off the fruit with peduncles attached - this increases the shelf life. Carefully lay them in a bucket or boxes to the wax layer is not damaged.
  • Do not store apples and other products. Ethylene, which is isolated plucked fruits, helps fruits and vegetables, lying next to ripen faster. In doing so, the apples become shriveled and mealy.

How and where to store

Candidates for long-term storage will become a medium-sized apple without dents, cracks and "bruises". Large specimens is better not to take, because they are less resistant to disease.

Optimal conditions are achieved by placing the fruit in a dry and clean box. The distance between the boards should be minimal. If the fruit will not touch each other, it is also to increase their shelf-life, so they can be sprinkled wood shavings, the husks from grains or sand. On the box it is possible to write a variety of apples and date of installation.
Apples in a box. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Apples in a box. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

If you can not use the drawers, then there are other options:

  • put the fruit on the shelves with drawers - it will be easier to get them to inspect;
  • use a wooden container - to enter more fruit, but the lower layers will crush and spoil more quickly;
  • glue cardboard boxes - a simple and affordable way.

The place will be determined by the boxes of fruit, should be cool and well ventilated. As part of the apartment is suitable balcony, in your own home - a basement or shed. C humidity 80% and temperature of + 2 ° C feast natural vitamins manage nearly a year. Periodically, you need to inspect the workpiece and remove those fruits that moldy or have begun to rot.

Storage of apples in boxes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Storage of apples in boxes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Dachniki and villagers used method further 1: apples are placed in plastic bags for 1 kg each, and buried in the ground near the house, approximately 25 cm. To preserve the top you need to make a "blanket" made of branches and grass clippings.

If all previous versions for some reason do not fit, there is a versatile option - refrigerator. Fruit washing is not necessary, it is necessary to put them in bags in which to make holes for air. That they have survived as long as possible before sending it in the refrigerator it is necessary to give them a soak 3-4 days at 30 ° C - this procedure will bring out all of the ethylene apples.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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