Banana peel is a useful product for the household. I tell you how to easily make an excellent fertilizer from it

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. Experienced growers know that plants need regular feeding for a healthy look and active flowering. Some people make such fertilizers on their own: from tea leaves or eggshells. In this article, we will talk about how you can make fertilizer from banana skins at home - this does not require any financial costs or special skills from you.

Banana peel. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Banana peel. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why banana skins are good for plants

Usually, the banana peel is thrown into the trash immediately after the pulp is removed. And few people know that it can be easily made from it an effective and environmentally friendly fertilizer for flowers, containing a large amount of such valuable substances as potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

The simplest cooking option is as follows:

  • Take a deep three-liter glass container, place the peel from three bananas and fill it with water (the water should not be too cold - about room temperature).
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  • Let the contents of the jar stand for two days and drain the liquid, and then dilute it with clean water in equal proportions.
It is better not to store such fertilizer for too long and use everything for several waterings in a row. Ferns, tomatoes and roses respond especially well to banana watering.

For feeding plants growing in open ground, it is not necessary to do liquid feeding, but you can simply bury banana skins in the soil next to their roots. Summer residents who used this method assure that it is no less effective. To feed all the plants on the plot in spring, it makes sense to collect and dry the peel in winter.

Other ways to use banana skins

  • The dried peel makes an excellent mulch for plants growing in open ground - it not only protects their roots from adverse factors, but also nourishes them with useful substances.
  • The tomato harvest will be better if, when planting seedlings, put one banana peel in each hole.
  • For potted violets, cyclamens and begonias, this fertilizer is perfect: the skins of 3-5 bananas are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and left to infuse for a week. The resulting liquid is filtered and watered with flowers once every two weeks.
  • Bananas go a long way before reaching store shelves. In order for the delicate fruits to be able to transfer it, they are treated with various chemicals, which are far from always harmless to both humans and plants. Therefore, it is important to rinse the peel thoroughly before preparing fertilizer from it.
  • Drying the skins for storage should be exclusively natural, without using the oven or microwave.
Banana peel. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
  • A banana peel compress applied to the forehead and back of the head can relieve headaches.
  • According to scientific research, banana skins purify water from copper and lead impurities.

Multi-component fertilizer

Put three banana peels in a 3 liter jar, add one handful of dried nettle, garlic and onion peels. Cover with cold water and place the jar in the sun. After 4 days, strain the liquid and dilute with water in a 1 to 1 ratio. This top dressing is suitable for both adult plants and seedlings.

Do you use banana peels as fertilizer?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also the following article on how to make compost:How to make great compost - fertilizer for your garden from common waste