What you need to do for potatoes to thank you with an excellent harvest

  • Dec 13, 2020

You can cook a huge number of dishes from potatoes. One has only to mentally recall potato pancakes, fried potatoes, dumplings, pies with potatoes, and the head is dizzy from the desire to eat.

Potato harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potato harvest. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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But few know how to properly fertilize such a delicious vegetable to get a good harvest on their site. After all, more and more summer residents prefer to have a lawn on the site instead of a couple of hundred square meters of potatoes.

Organic fertilizers

The most important and beneficial fertilizers are organic. Their choice depends on the composition of the soil. On clay, humus has proven itself well. It is brought in in the fall. On sandy soils, rotted manure is added in autumn, and compost in spring.

Immediately after applying the above fertilizers, the soil must be dug up so that they do not become weathered and do not lose their beneficial properties.
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Fertilizing an entire area is wasteful and time consuming. It is more practical to apply fertilizer to the holes when planting tubers.

Bird droppings

A good fertilizer for potatoes is bird droppings. It cannot be used in its pure form, as it will burn the tubers. You need to dry it, dilute with water 1 to 15. Add 1 liter to the hole during planting.

Chicken manure is good fertilizer for plants in agriculture.


Instead of organic, you can use green manure. It is inexpensive and safe. In autumn, mustard, lupine or winter rye are sown on the vacated land. Before flowering, the green mass is mowed and dug up. In the spring they get an excellent field for planting any crops.

Siderata. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Features when growing early and late potatoes

Early varieties quickly use nutrients, so wood ash and humus are added under them. From autumn, meadow peat and ash can be added to the area for early potatoes.

It is good to lay manure and ash under the late varieties. You need to use ash from burning fruit trees.

Feeding potatoes with ash. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Nitrogen is insidious in that it strongly stimulates the growth of green mass, inhibiting the development of tubers. To avoid this, it is important to correctly calculate the dose of the applied mixture and familiarize yourself with the ratio of chemical elements in it.

It is good to add potassium chloride, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate under the early potatoes. Dose: no more than 60 grams per square meter. If we add all this directly to the wells, then the dosage is less than half, that is, 30 grams per square meter.

The complex mineral fertilizer AGROMAX has proven itself well.

Do no harm!

It is important to observe the required concentration of nutrients in the soil. After all, a large amount of nitrogen stimulates the growth of green stems to the detriment of tubers. A lot of phosphorus reduces the amount of starch in the tubers. Excess manure feeds the beetle larvae, which can be eaten by young shoots.

Complex fertilizers

They have a good balanced composition of all the necessary substances and are easy to use. In all respects, the leader here is "Potato Caliber". But the price bites too. Not everyone can afford it.

There are many positive reviews about the special fertilizer "Bulba", which is also effective in the fight against wireworm and late blight.

Potatoes, like any living creature, love care and attention. Take care of him, put your warmth and a piece of your soul, and he will delight you with an excellent harvest.

Do you know how to harvest a large potato crop?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read also about hilling potatoes in the following article:Hilling potatoes: terms, rules, when and how to hilling