My sweet, raspberry-berry: what hurts and how to treat

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Raspberries grow incredibly quickly, developing new territories of the garden plot. The harvest - delicious, sweet, aromatic and healthy berries - is good both directly from the bush, and dried, and in the form of jam, jelly, juices and other preparations. And everything would be fine if not for the "sores", which can not only reduce the yield, but also destroy the entire raspberry tree. Diseases - a raspberry bouquet. Let's dwell on the main ones.

Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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This focal disease, which has several names (Witch's Broom, Dwarfism, Rubus Stunt), is most susceptible to young bushes. The disease is caused by mycoplasma, the source of infection is pests (mainly aphids).

Typical symptoms are many young offspring and shoots, which are collected in several bunches or in one large one. All the plant's strength goes into these "neoplasms", it stops growing and forms flower tassels with underdeveloped flowers at the ends of the branches.

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There is only one way out - hard and cardinal: uprooting all the affected bushes together with the root system that need to be burned. Preventive measures - planting only proven planting material, processing raspberries from pests, observing bushes and urgently taking action at the first suspicion of a disease.


This is also a "youth" disease of raspberries, which slows down the growth of young bushes. They become curly: the leaves curl inward, nestle against the twigs, crimp, become a bronze shade from below. As with growth, the flowers are deformed, and the berries, if they appear, are dry and unripe.

The method of struggle is the same. We'll have to part with diseased plants.


It happens green and yellow. With a green mosaic, the signs of the disease are pronounced on the foliage. It becomes covered with light or darker spots and bumps than the main color. The leaves are curled down.

With the yellow form of the disease, the leaves turn yellow completely - from the periphery to the central part. The harvest can be good, but only in terms of volume: berries on diseased bushes are not attractive either in appearance, but in taste.

Measures to combat mosaics of any color - the destruction of the affected bushes. Prevention - treatment with special biological products.


A very common fungal disease. You can find diseased bushes from the very beginning of spring. The leaves are covered with gray spots, framed by a brown outline, turn yellow and fall off. A similar picture with flowers. It is difficult to call a harvest a harvest - these are small and dry berries.

Disease control - cutting out affected shoots and taking measures to improve air circulation in raspberry plantings.

As a prophylaxis, raspberries are treated with agents designed to combat gray mold.

Raspberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Purple Spot (Didimella)

Another fungal disease of raspberries, and one of the most dangerous. It leads to the death of plant shoots. The first symptoms where moisture accumulates are leaf nodules.

A raspberry bush will signal an ailment with brown spots with a purple tint on shoots and foliage. The spots merge over time, and by autumn, when the shoots become coarse, they become silvery. Fungal spores appear on large spots. The bark on infected areas flakes off and detaches, and infected branches die off. With a strong infection, almost all buds die, the shoots do not grow back, there are no berries.

To defeat didimella, in the spring, the affected shoots are removed, and during the period of active growth of raspberry bushes, they are treated with special biological agents. It is biological in order to preserve the ecological purity of the crop.

You can use 2% nitrafen in water or 1% Bordeaux liquid. But these drugs are used in early spring before the raspberry blossom or in the fall after the harvest has been harvested.


Shrubs with tumor diseases die due to poorly tolerated winter frosts. Cancer is divided into stem and root.

Symptoms ulcerative spot of stems (stem cancer) - brown spots on the shoots. They have irregular outlines and black balls, from which a gray powder stands out - conidial spores. Then the bursting balls turn into ulcers - hence the name "ulcerative spotting".

To cure raspberries and prevent the spread of the disease, spraying with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid (during flowering) and removing the affected stems will help.

Everything is much worse with root cancerthat infects the root system. Dark brown neoplasms are formed at the root, the plant loses strength, immunity weakens, resistance to changes in air temperature. If the central root system is affected by the disease, the plant will inevitably die. To prevent this from happening, before planting a shrub, it is recommended to treat its roots with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. The procedure takes a couple of minutes.

Instead of a conclusion

The disease is easier to prevent than to cure, and even more so to uproot and burn diseased raspberry bushes. To prevent raspberries from getting sick, there are some good old preventive "recipes" of experienced gardeners:

  • raspberry bushes love well-ventilated areas and loose soil rich in minerals;
  • the raspberry tree should not live in one place for more than 10 years and needs systematic rejuvenation;
  • although it is a frequent occurrence - raspberries are near the fences and walls of houses, but this is the wrong approach, and planting of raspberries is also prohibited in areas previously developed by Victoria;
  • phosphorus-potassium dressing, spraying with "Nitrofen" and a solution of Bordeaux liquid will not be superfluous general strengthening and preventive procedures.

Do you know why raspberry leaves turn yellow?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

You can also read about watering and feeding blackberries in the following article:How to pour blackberries to make the berries sweet