Viburnum jam: an original and delicious preparation for the winter

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Viburnum is a plant that has the property of late ripening of berries (like mountain ash) and does not lose its bitterness until the onset of frost. There are many interesting ways to cook viburnum, which will be described below.

Viburnum jam. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Viburnum jam. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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Vitamins and beneficial properties of viburnum

When summer comes to an end, shrubs with a height of 3 meters acquire clusters of red berries, resembling rowan in shape and size. This is how viburnum looks like, mainly a northern plant, the fruits of which are distinguished by an acidic, astringent, like honeysuckle taste. Its positive side lies in the fact that the berries lose their bitterness and sourness after spending some time in the cold.

If the shrub is located close to the reservoir, 80% of the pulp will be included in the berries, 8% for the shell and the rest - a small bone inside the viburnum.
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Viburnin glycoside, a substance that gives a bitter taste, but at the same time, berries contain a sufficient amount of sugars. The tanning properties of the shell add an astringent taste to the bush fruit. Viburnum berries also contain vitamin C.

Making jam without heat treatment

Syrup, gravy, jam, fruit drink, preserves, and berries just frozen for storage - all these are ways of making viburnum. Making jam from viburnum berries is not difficult at all, for this you just need to leave the washed fruits over low heat. However, there is a simpler option that does not require heat treatment: in this case, it is necessary that the berries stay on the viburnum bush for several days after the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, the jam from early collected viburnum will turn out to be bitter.

Viburnum jam. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Algorithm for preparing a workpiece, in which useful properties are preserved:

  • Rinse the berries thoroughly together with the stalks, and then remove all unnecessary. Precisely in this order so as not to lose the viburnum juice.
  • Drupes, damaged or diseased, must be removed, they will contribute to the rapid deterioration of the taste of the jam.
  • Grind the mixture in a meat grinder, after passing it through a fine mesh to get rid of the peel. It would be even better to use a blender: it will make the seeds of the fruit completely invisible.
  • The final point is to add sugar to the resulting mass in a 1: 1 ratio, pour the mixture into sterilized jars and close. In autumn, winter and spring, such a preparation will save you from heartburn and colds.

Express preparation: cook in 5 minutes

If you need to save time or do everything in a short time, we offer a method in which heat treatment takes only 5 minutes. We need 1600 grams of viburnum and sugar, 16 grams of vanilla sugar for half a liter of water. Fruit processing is no different from that described above. It is necessary to bring the specified volume of water to a boil, then put sugar and berry mass, cook for 5 minutes and arrange in previously sterilized jars.

Also, crushed orange slices can be added to viburnum jam, thus the concentration of vitamin C will increase, and the jam will become even tastier and healthier.

So, several options for the preparation of viburnum jam have been considered, choose based on the availability of free time and the desired taste. Having prepared such a jam, you will enjoy the taste and benefits of the wonderful viburnum!

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Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

How to make cherry jam, read the following article:How to cook delicious cherry jam with seeds