How to properly and tasty pickle cucumbers in a three-liter jar

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. Every year there comes a period when all housewives begin to make preparations for the winter. One of the most popular vegetables for this is cucumber. New recipes appear from year to year. The main thing is to know the basics of pickling cucumbers, and the methods differ in the incoming components and some changes in the cooking procedure. Let's consider the process in more detail.

Pickles. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pickles. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Cooking cucumbers for pickling

For all recipes, this procedure is the same, and the quality of the resulting product as a whole depends on it. To get a real yummy, you should:

Choose a suitable variety

When choosing, you should pay attention to the shape of the fruit. It should be elongated. The diameter of the cucumber is small, but it itself is dense and has a small number of seeds. The optimal variety for pickling is Nezhinsky, it meets all the above requirements.

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Select quality fruits

Soft, withered, lethargic cucumbers - categorically NO. Freshly picked fruits are ideal.

Soak cucumbers in drinking water

An important procedure in the preparation of fruits. Thanks to this, the cucumbers become crispy when salted. The fruits should be left in water for at least 2 hours, ideally 5-6 hours.

Rinse the fruit cleanly

Use a soft brush when rinsing.

Remove tips

This procedure is optional, but it brings positive results. Thus, the brine penetrates better into the fruit.

Pickles. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


Salting with vinegar

In two three-liter jars we lay out prepared cucumbers (3 kilograms), dill with inflorescences, cherry leaves, black currant and horseradish (pre-washed), coarsely chopped onion (1 head), red hot pepper (2 pods), bay leaf, garlic (4 heads).

Then pour boiling water into a jar and leave for 5 minutes, we do this twice. Then pour the liquid into a container and add salt (4 tablespoons) and sugar (6 tablespoons) and bring the resulting solution to a boil. At this time, pour vinegar (4 tablespoons) into the jars and then fill them with boiling brine. Close and roll up. Turn the cans over and leave to cool. We are not covering!

The good thing about this recipe is that you can complement it to your liking. Ingredients may vary. Together with cucumbers, you can pickle tomatoes and bell peppers, and you get a wonderful assortment. You can also add other spices.

Another version is that instead of whole fruits, cucumbers cut into large pieces are placed in a jar. The brine will not consist of water, salt and sugar, but 1.5 liters of tomato juice and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. This mixture is brought to a boil once and poured into jars.

Do you cook pickles?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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