Horseradish winter preparations - hot snacks, seasonings

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Horseradish rhizomes are popular in home cooking as a hot seasoning or ingredient in canned vegetables. You can pick up recipes that involve making horseradish-based snacks for the winter.

Hot snacks, seasonings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Hot snacks, seasonings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Horseradish storage methods

You can keep the horseradish fresh for a long time. The washed rhizomes without leaves are placed in a wooden container, sprinkling each layer with coarse, slightly moistened sand. Kept in a cellar.

You can freeze peeled and sliced ​​horseradish roots in portioned bags. Spicy gruel is used for freezing, to which you can add a little grated apple and a few drops of lemon juice.

Rhizome cut into thin strips, circles or slices can be dried by spreading out on a baking sheet. Keep in the oven at low heat and slightly open the door for 45-60 minutes with regular stirring. Store in cotton bags.

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How to pickle horseradish

Various recipes are used to make aromatic pickled horseradish.

With beet juice

From peeled grated beets, squeeze 0.5 liters of juice. Pour it into an enamel saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in with stirring 4 tbsp. l. table salt and twice the amount of sugar. When all the grains are dissolved, they are removed from the stove. Add 30 ml of undiluted vinegar essence to the cooled juice.

Keep the marinade in a dark cabinet for a day, and then combine it with grated pre-peeled horseradish. To taste, add cloves with cinnamon. The mixed mass is laid out in banks. Sterilized for 30 minutes and rolled up immediately. Store in a cellar.

With apple cider vinegar

The peeled horseradish roots are passed through a meat grinder. For every 100 g of gruel, pour in a quarter of a glass of apple cider vinegar and boiling water cooled to a warm state.

Pour in granulated sugar with table salt - по h each. l., as well as 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts. Stir and roll up in small jars, which are stored in the refrigerator.

Snacks and horseradish. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Horseradish snacks

Delicious winter salads and a savory snack are obtained if other vegetables are added to horseradish.

With carrots and apples

Apples are peeled and cored. Rhizomes of horseradish and carrots are washed and cleaned. Ingredients are taken in approximately equal proportions. Grind them on a grater.

After mixing, the aromatic gruel is distributed into sterile jars, filling up to the shoulders. In 1 liter of hot water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. table salt and 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. The prepared vegetable mass is poured with boiled brine. After half an hour of pasteurization, the cans are rolled up.

With beets

In the recipe, all volumes are indicated for a mixture of horseradish (300 g) with beets (200 g). Rub them in a purified form in different containers.

Horseradish gruel fill the prepared liter jar to half. Add a glass of boiling water. Combine the beetroot mass with sugar and salt (take 1 tsp. l.). Transfer to a jar, mix with horseradish and top up with table vinegar (9%) just above the shoulders. The hermetically sealed blank is moved to the cellar.

With bell pepper

Take 100 g of bell pepper freed from seeds and 200 g of peeled horseradish. Pass through a meat grinder.

On a fine grater, 3-4 garlic cloves are turned into gruel. While stirring, combine the prepared ingredients with 1 tbsp. l. sugar and juice of one lemon. It is recommended to keep a homogeneous mixture in small tightly closed jars in the refrigerator.

Canned ready meals

Interesting flavor combinations are obtained by canning pre-cooked horseradish with vegetables.

With pepper and tomatoes

You need to peel horseradish, garlic, bell pepper - 100 g each. Pass vegetables along with 300 g of tomatoes through a meat grinder.

Pour in ½ tbsp. l. salt and on the tip of a chopped pepper knife. Boil for 40 minutes. Distribute hot into sterile jars, which are immediately sealed. After cooling, they are transferred to cool conditions.

With mayonnaise

For a quick snack, horseradish rhizomes, crushed into gruel, are mixed with mayonnaise in a 1: 2 ratio. Keep such a paste for sandwiches in small containers in the refrigerator.

With tomatoes and garlic

For 3 kg of tomatoes, 250 g of horseradish and garlic in a peeled form will be required. After grinding in a meat grinder, the aromatic mass is gloved and salted in accordance with its taste. Store in the refrigerator.

With lemon

Grind 300 g of peeled horseradish rhizomes into gruel. The lemon is cut. Juice is squeezed out of one half into the gruel, and the zest is rubbed on the other. All are mixed and transferred to a jar. Keep in the refrigerator.

Fresh horseradish allows you to prepare a variety of snacks that keep well cool.

Do you prepare winter horseradish preparations?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about tomatoes in a sweet marinade in the following article:Original tomatoes in a sweet marinade - for those who want something special