Delicious canned salad with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. As you know, you can preserve anything for the winter, from berries to vegetables. But few people know that it is not at all difficult to close a ready-made salad with cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. This dish will be a great addition to any side dish. If this salad is on the dinner table, then everyone will eat it first. The main ingredients are naturally tomatoes and cucumbers. Additionally, you can add onions and other spices to taste, but everything should be in order. Consider several recipes for such a salad.

Delicious canned salad. Illustration for the article is used from
Delicious canned salad. Illustration for the article is used from

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Simple recipe

Nothing special is required for this recipe. You need to take tomatoes and cucumbers and cut them as for a regular salad. Add onion, garlic, pepper and spices to taste. If you want the salad to be spicy, then you need to include more hot pepper. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and place so that they are slightly infused. Next, you need to put everything in jars and put on a slow fire to sterilize. If you skip this step, the workpiece will deteriorate.

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Recipe "Lick your fingers"

All ingredients are calculated for 1 liter of billet. You need to take:

  • Tomatoes 700 g. They should be ripe, but not overripe.
  • You need half a kilogram of cucumbers.
  • Onions 200 g.
  • 80 mg of vegetable oil.
  • 120 g sugar.
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • A quarter of a spoonful of ground black pepper.
Delicious canned salad. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Tomatoes wash well and wipe dry. Where there is a stalk, the place must be cut out and the fruit must be completely cut into beautiful slices. Cucumbers are also washed well, if the peel is already tough enough, then you need to cut it off. The cucumbers are cut into thin slices. Onions can be cut into rings. All vegetables are put in a large bowl, and the rest of the spices are added to it. In order for the salad to brew, 15 minutes is enough, this will be enough for the vegetables to let the juice and a delicious marinade form.

As soon as the vegetable mixture is ready, everything must be put into jars, you can apply them completely, leaving a small slide. The fact is that during sterilization the vegetables will settle. After everything is laid, it remains to cover the jars with lids and put them in a pot of water on the fire. Each jar should stand up to its neck in water. Sterilization takes place at least 40 minutes from the very moment the water boils.

After boiling, you must quickly tighten the lids. Next, the salad must be cooled and after it has stood for a day, taken out to a cold place, for example, a basement. In addition, for lovers of salad with cabbage, you can also add finely chopped cabbage here.

Do you prepare a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about tomatoes in a sweet marinade in the following article:Original tomatoes in a sweet marinade - for those who want something special