Be in time before the Intercession: as many as 10 very important things that need to be taken care of on time

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. According to old beliefs, after lunch, winter is already coming on Pokrov, which means that after this time only careless owners work in the garden. The list of things to do before this period is quite extensive.

Garden beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garden beds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Autumn to-do list

Autumn activities should be carried out in a timely manner, which will allow you to plan your own activities and have time to cope with the main matters before the Intercession.

  • Schematically, on the plan of the garden, they note which crops were grown this year in specific beds. This will allow planting in the spring, taking into account the optimal crop rotation. It is also useful for yourself to make notes about the fertilizers applied.
  • Collect autumn vegetables. They are guided mainly by weather conditions, since it is difficult to name the exact dates. The beets must be removed before freezing. Carrots, on the other hand, become sweeter if they fall under the first light frost. Together with it, tight cabbage heads are cut off, from which bitterness leaves after frost. Sometimes you have to harvest vegetables earlier if rodents appear in the garden, which can destroy the entire crop.
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  • The crowns of garden trees are irrigated with a concentrated urea solution. This tool has a detrimental effect on pests that have settled in the bark or fallen leaves for the winter.
  • Large branches and trunks of treated trees are whitened with a moisture-resistant composition. You can buy a special whitewash and add vitriol to it. The procedure is carried out in order to destroy pests, disinfect bark damage, increase resistance to sunburn, and scare away rodents. In addition, whitewashed trunks crack less during sudden temperature changes.
  • Not enough cold-resistant crops are piled up for the winter. Dried, well-rotted compost is used, on the bucket of which a glass of sifted wood ash is added.
  • Perennial (chrysanthemums, irises, peonies, roses, phloxes) flowers are treated with one percent Bordeaux liquid. Irrigation is carried out throughout the above-ground part. Then the stems are cut, leaving a stump of about 10 cm. Already processed shoots are laid on top in the form of a hut. They will retain snow well in winter, providing flowers with protection from frost.
  • If conifers are grown on the site, they should also be sprayed with Bordeaux solution. At the same time, strawberry and strawberry plantings are processed.
  • In the fall, it is advisable to provide for measures aimed at getting rid of stumps remaining after formative pruning. A hole is drilled in the middle, into which saltpeter is poured and then water is poured. Cover the stump with foil. Fix it around the perimeter with twine or wire. In spring, overgrowth is no longer formed near the stump. He dies and quickly begins to collapse.
  • Reduce the acidity of the soil, if the need arises. Dolomite flour, crushed chalk or lime - fluff are used.
  • The beds are prepared for planting garlic before winter and sowing cold-resistant herbaceous crops.
Garden. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
It is possible to prepare spruce branches, dry straw before the Pokrova in order to later shelter wintering plants. It is necessary to provide for high-quality protection against freezing of rose bushes. The main autumn events do not require serious efforts, so they can be completed on time.

Have you already started working in the garden?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about cutting trees in the country in the following article:Sawed down a tree - got a deadline: how cutting down trees even on your own plot can turn into problems with the law