Zygokaktus Schlumberger (Decembrist): growing a flower in indoor conditions. Proper care and possible problems

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. A beautiful winter flower Decembrist, in order to justify its name, must open numerous buds on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, not all owners of zygocactus manage to enjoy its flowering. But this is quite fixable if you follow the recommendations of professionals.

Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Flower characteristic

The spectacular plant, brought to Europe from the rainforests of Brazil, belongs to the genus of epiphytic cacti. Representatives of this culture in natural conditions grow on the trunks and branches of trees.

Small shrubs with flat, abundantly branching shoots reach a height of 40-50 cm. At the tops of drooping stems, buds are located, from which multi-tiered flowers of various colors open: white, pink, yellow, orange, raspberry, purple.

Despite the fact that the root system of the plant is underdeveloped, it survives due to the air roots located directly on the stems. Due to this structure, the flower is easily propagated by any part of the shoot capable of trapping moisture from the atmosphere. The same property ensures the vitality of the zygocactus.
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Care rules

The tropical plant prefers warmth and good lighting. The best place for him is a windowsill on the east or west side. There is also a lot of light on the south window, but the zygocactus does not tolerate direct sunlight. With this placement, the flower will need light shading.

Attention! The flower does not like frequent changes of places. This is especially true during the period of bud formation.

Comfortable temperature for zygocactus is 20-22 ° С. In summer, it can be taken out on the balcony or in the garden, it can easily withstand heat up to 25-26 ° C. It is only necessary to take care in advance about protection from winds and bright rays of the sun.

Decembrist. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

The Decembrist blooms in November-December. At the end of it, you need to provide the plant with suitable conditions. The air temperature must be kept within the range of 16-18 ° C, and watering and feeding must be halved.

Schlumberger does not need a lot of moisture. Moderate watering with soft, slightly warm water is enough for her. However, in the heat, with low air humidity, the crown of the flower is sprayed from a spray bottle.

Attention! Adult zygocactus are transplanted every 3-4 years into new soil and a pot that is 1.5-2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

Possible problems

Improper care is a common cause of plant disease. Excess moisture in a warm environment leads to infection with fungal infections. A sick flower should be limited to watering and treated with one of the fungicides: Vitaros, Topaz, Maxim, etc.

As soon as the plant begins to hurt, it is overwhelmed by harmful insects, which are very difficult to control. It is much easier to do a systematic crown inspection and take preventive measures. To do this, you can use the drug "Fitoverm", which treats the soil and all parts of the plant.

The Decembrist, like all zygocactus, is a very viable plant. Careful care can turn even an ordinary-looking seedling into a luxurious flowering bush.

Is there a Decembrist growing in your house?

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