Beautiful but poisonous: should you grow a monster?

  • Dec 13, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. This plant is native to the humid tropics. An incredibly beautiful vine, which, moreover, blooms and bears fruit. Since it is impossible to create the climate it needs in the house, it does not show its flowering. Yes, it's a monstera.

Monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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What is she like?

The unusual monster is not called by chance: it has a large number of aerial roots, and shining, large sizes, leathery leaves with holes make its appearance unique, one might even say fantastic.

In everyday life, this plant is often called a crybaby because of its mastery of the art of predicting the weather: before rain on its leaves, each of which is capable of reaching 30 cm or more, large drops appear water.

Can you keep a flower at home?

They say that you shouldn't start a monster at home. And there are many reasons for this.

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People who believe in the existing legends and omens find it not safe to keep and grow this plant for housing. Let's start with the fact that the very name of the plant "monstera" clearly comes from the word "monster". This characterizes it very clearly in terms of its striking dimensions. Actually, therefore, a flower has a place only, for example, in the office, at work, but not at all in a home.

According to another belief, the monstera easily absorbs all the negative and replaces it with a positive. However, she is able to do the same with positive energy, digesting it into a solid minus.

But this has not been scientifically proven. It is only known that the flower does not have a big effect on the state of health in almost any way, moreover, even allergy sufferers do not need to beware of it.

Only one threat to the monstera is that the leaves contain microscopic needle-like formations, when they hit the mucous zones, a burning sensation may appear.

Monstera: why you can't keep at home

The fear of growing this flower is based only on myths, legends and omens. Monstera is an energy vampire that destroys a person, it destroys the aura and negatively affects the causal body.

All this destroys a person's career, personal life, and has a bad effect on health. Because of such prejudices, numerous unmarried women will write off their own failures in their personal lives on this flower.

After nightfall, the plant begins to consume oxygen in large volumes. If a person is resting in the same room, then he may not wake up. Of course, these are fairy tales.

Monstera. Illustration for the article is used from the site

There is a myth that the plant produces poison. When the juice gets on the skin of a person, poisoning occurs, leading to death. But for some reason, people living in Australia and India eat it and remain alive.

Beneficial features

You shouldn't pay attention to different myths. Monstera is a fairly beautiful plant that carries many benefits:

  • Moisturizes, purifies and ionizes the air.
  • It absorbs harmful substances from the air, thereby protecting the inhabitants of the house.
  • Predicts the weather.
  • Decorates the interior.
  • Brings longevity and good luck.
To start this plant or not is a personal choice of everyone. As you can see, its content does not carry any negative consequences. Why not bring the monster to your home?

Is there a monster growing in your house?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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