Meadow flowers: an overview of flowering field plants

  • Dec 13, 2020

A blooming meadow is an unforgettable sight. A serenely pleasant combination of colors and endless waves of scent carried by the wind. Such an oasis of wildlife would be the most comfortable corner of the garden. We will tell you about some types of field plants for a landscape flower garden.

Flowerbeds in the country. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flowerbeds in the country. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Meadow flowers

The fashion for themed flower beds came from Europe. The easiest way is to create a small clearing of their native meadow plants that fit perfectly into any landscape. Flowering bushes can be combined with herbs and herbs. Among the many meadow flowers, there are widespread species.


Very tenacious, grows literally everywhere and often like a weed. Its yellow caps bloom at the same time, and after flowering, they turn into transparent, fluffy balls.

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Dandelion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

St. John's wort

Bushes up to a meter high. Small, yellow flowers are collected in a brush. Blooms from July, 1.5-2 months. He will live in one place for about 8 years.

Wild phlox

A perennial that eventually grows into a large bush with abundant flowering. The flowers are white and all shades of pink with a pleasant, very persistent aroma. The buds bloom from the second half of June.


In addition to six wild species, there are two domesticated: common and salad. Bush up to 120 cm high. The flowers are blue, white or pink and are located along the entire length of the stem. It blooms from the second half of summer until the first frost.

Red clover

Perennial about 50 cm high. It has delicate oblong-oval leaves and spherical flowers of pink and reddish tones. Flowering lasts all season.


It grows only in the sunniest places. The length of the stems reaches one meter. The flowers are graceful, with a color from pale blue to dark blue, collected in baskets. The buds open in July.

Cornflower meadow. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


This annual lush bush is strewn with many single baskets that are located at the ends of the shoots. The flower has a yellow, convex center surrounded by snow-white, reed petals.

Chamomile. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Field poppy

A very fragile annual with silvery green leaves and bright scarlet flowers. They glow spectacularly against the backdrop of greenery. Blooms in late spring.


The bush is one or two years old. Stems are erect, bare, with slight pubescence. The leaves are small, gray-gray. The flowers are blue, bell-shaped with curved petals.

Escholzia, or California poppy

There are annual and perennial species. The leaves are openwork with a waxy bloom, similar to wormwood greens. The flowers look like poppies. Painted in scarlet, white, pink, and more often in orange tones. They live for only 3 days, but the bush constantly forms new buds and flowering lasts until the end of October.

Forest anemone

The bush is about 40 cm. Stems with dense pubescence. Leaves are light green, heart-shaped. Single inflorescences, at the tops of the shoots. Flowers with delicate white petals, painted in light lilac below, yellow middle.


Stems up to 50 cm high. Along the entire length there are large bright emerald leaves and pale pink flowers 10 cm in diameter. Blooms in June and keeps buds for about a month.

A flower bed with meadow flowers will be a natural beautiful corner of nature on every site.

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