Anthurium crown diseases: how to diagnose and cure a plant. Description of problems

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. The plant with flowers of amazing shape and different colors has become popular due to its amazing decorativeness. But even such an impressive plant periodically needs human help.

Anthurium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Anthurium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Yellowing leaves

Most often, this problem occurs due to improper care, but there are other reasons:

  • lack of lighting;
  • watering with cold, hard water;
  • dry indoor air;
  • sunburn;
  • unsatisfactory temperature conditions;
  • improper use of fertilizers;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • fungal infections.

To help a plant, you first need to create ideal conditions for it. Anthurium should be light and warm enough. In a cold, unventilated room, the flower will certainly get sick.

If the leaves of anthurium continue to turn yellow, then fungi and insects may be the cause of the disease. Then you cannot do without chemicals.
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In addition, it must be borne in mind that there is also a natural aging of the leaf plates, in which they turn yellow and die off over time. If this process touched 1-2 leaves, then there is no reason for panic. You just need to remove them with a clean sharp knife and process the cut with ordinary brilliant green.

Yellowing of the leaves. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Blackening of leaf plates

Rolling leaves and the appearance of brown spots on them are evidence of improper watering. The plant reacts in this way to moistening the soil with cold and hard water with a high content of calcium salts.

Excess of this mineral prevents the flower from receiving adequate nutrition. As a result, the leaf plates begin to turn black. In addition, cold water containing lime components weakens the immunity of anthurium.

Another reason for the appearance of black plaque on the crown is the invasion of pests that feed on the plant sap. The sheet plates should be examined carefully. If the presence of insects is confirmed, it is necessary to treat the flower with an insecticidal preparation: Fitoverm, Iskra, Biotlin or others.

A flower weakened by insects most often affects a sooty fungus (rabble). It is almost impossible to save an infected plant. Therefore, you should monitor the cleanliness of the sheet plates: wipe with a damp cloth or spray with warm water.

In addition, indoor flowers need at least a minimum amount of space: flower pots should not be close to each other. And the room where the plants stand should be systematically ventilated.

Harmful insects

A plant resistant to pest infestations sometimes suffers from them. In this case, the flower also begins to turn completely or partially yellow, the leaves turn black. There is no better remedy for this scourge than proper care and acceptable living conditions.

Diseases of anthurium. Illustration for the article is used from the site

However, if, during inspection of the plant, insects are found that harm it, it is urgent to take drastic measures. For aphids, thrips, scale insects and spider mites, insecticides are best of all: "Actellik", "Topaz", "Biotlin", "Commander", etc.

The health of indoor anthurium directly depends on the conditions of maintenance and care. Attention and care will help to keep "male happiness" in the house.

Is anthurium growing in your house?

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