How do I update my strawberry planting?

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. The strawberry yield on the site depends not only on the variety and planting care, but also on the age of the plot. If a berry has been growing in one place for too long, its yield drops, and fewer flower stalks are formed. To harvest a lot of strawberries every year, you need to regularly update the plantation.

Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Why transplant strawberries?

Transplanting strawberries has two goals:

  • Plant renewal. Too old bush stops bearing fruit. Starting from the third year, strawberries age abruptly and cease to produce berries in the same quantity.
  • Change of place for growing. If strawberries grow in one place from year to year, they become smaller and degenerate, because the soil becomes poorer.
The latter is especially important: the accumulation of bacteria and fungal spores in the soil can destroy the plot.
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Transplanting strawberries is best in autumn. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • In late autumn, the plants take root well - and in the spring they give many peduncles. If transplanted in spring, the strawberry bush spends a lot of effort on adaptation and does not bear fruit.
  • Autumn weather allows strawberries to root better.
  • In the fall, there is more choice of planting material - but the price is much lower than in the spring.
  • You can work without haste - there is much more time than in spring.

When to transplant

Timing depends on conditions in a particular area and even area. However, there are some general patterns:

  • In the middle lane - from August 15 to September 30.
  • South - from September 1 to October 15.
  • North - from June 1 to July 30.
IMPORTANT: If frost threatens, planting must be carried out as soon as possible, otherwise the strawberries will die in winter.

How to choose a seat

It is better to plant strawberries in the southwest corner of the garden. In this case, it is necessary that the slope was from the plantation, otherwise the flood will wash away the plot. The site should be heated by the sun, but be calm from the winds.

Strawberry transplant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The soil

Strawberries need soil with an acidity of 5.7–6.2 pH. She does not like sour peat and neutral-alkaline sandstone.

The predecessors are also important. Strawberries grow well after:

  • legumes;
  • onions and garlic;
  • radish and celery;
  • spicy herbs (parsley, dill, etc.).

Extremely unfortunate predecessors will be:

  • potatoes and other nightshades (peppers, tomatoes, cultivated nightshade);
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • cucumbers.

The soil for the plantation is dug deeply - at least on a bayonet, if possible - on two bayonets (when the top layer is removed and folded separately). They are embedded in the soil for 1 sq. m superphosphate (70 g), potassium salt (30 g), saltpeter (30 g). The dug area is not touched for two weeks so that the soil settles and mixes.

How to transplant strawberries

For transplant, you need to choose a cloudy rainy day. The transplant is carried out as follows:

  • A grid is drawn on the garden bed - 35 cm per plant in a row, 50 cm at the aisle.
  • At the nodes of the grid, holes are made with a depth to the point of growth of the bush.
  • Water is poured at the bottom so that the hole is filled to the brim.
  • The root of the seedling is treated with "Fitosporin" or "Epin", then dipped in a mash made of clay, mullein and water (1: 1: 1 combination), allowed to dry out a little and root.
  • The planted bushes are watered, sprinkled with soil if the roots are bare, and then mulched with straw, hay or sawdust - or covered with agrofibre.
Strawberry transplant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Transplanting remontant varieties

If the strawberry does not give a mustache, then it most likely belongs to the remontant species. Therefore, it is transplanted, dividing adult plants. This is done like this:

  • The socket is dug out of the soil.
  • The bush is cut into several parts (according to the number of young shoots).
  • Each part is cleaned of old leaves and peduncles, treated with Fitosporin and rooted.
After that, it is enough to feed the strawberries with complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizers - and you can leave them to gain strength until spring.

Do you know how to update your strawberry planting?

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