Meet Panicle Hydrangea Vanilla Fraz. How to create a beautiful pink cloud in your summer cottage

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. This plant variety is especially popular among our gardeners. You can find a wide variety of forms, for example, tree-like or oak-leaved. There are also paniculate, petiolate, serrate and large-leaved hydrangeas. A particular variety of this plant has been noticed in the last few years.

Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Fraz. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Fraz. Illustration for the article is used from the site

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The most beautiful of all is the panicle hydrangea Vanilla Fraz, which has found worldwide recognition due to its unpretentiousness. That is why even a beginner can safely grow this plant and enjoy its beautiful flowers all season. However, if you want to get really beautiful flowers, then you must adhere to special rules.

general characteristics

In scientific terms, this plant is called Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise. This plant is light-requiring, and also does not tolerate calcareous soil, therefore it is best to plant it in places rich in nutrients. You should also take into account the growth, as it can reach up to 1.5 meters with a crown section of 2 meters. This can interfere with your plans, for example, planting a small bush close to the building.

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This plant is purely decorative in nature, has erect shoots of red shades. Leaves are dense, dark green color. The texture is velvety, the root system is small and has a bunch of different branches.


With proper care, Vanilla Fraz will delight you with beautiful buds, the inflorescences of which can reach up to 40 cm in length and 30 in width. Many note the resemblance to a vanilla-strawberry ice cream cone or a pink cloud.

Also, this variety has unique colors, since at first its flowers take on a white color, and then a dark pink tint is formed along the edges of the petals.

When to plant

It is best, according to experts, to plant this plant in mid-spring. This will allow enough time to get used to the new environment and ensure proper root formation.

Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Fraz. Illustration for the article is used from the site


Dig a hole 30x30x30 at a distance of no more than 1 meter from each other. Next, fill them with a mixture of 0.5 buckets of peat and rotted compost. At the end, fill everything with water. After that, transfer the Vanilla seedlings there, having previously straightened all the roots. Next, sprinkle everything with garden soil so as to hide the root collar. Tamp the ground around the perimeter to prevent air pockets.

Water mode

Vanilla Fries feels great in wet soil, so don't let the soil dry out. You can also resort to mulching to avoid moisture evaporation. In hot weather, spend 30-50 liters watering twice a week. If the summer is not hot, you can reduce the watering.

Top dressing

It is best to start feeding Vanilla Fries at the end of May. Both organics and mineral additives are perfect as fertilizers. Then feed the plant again after a few weeks. Having survived the winter, the hydrangea needs nitrogen-rich fertilizers, and in the summer - a solution from the settled grass.

All this can be done by yourself or purchased in a specialized store.

Do you have Paniculata Hydrangea Vanilla Fraz?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about how to grow indoor hydrangea in the following article:How to grow indoor hydrangea